I don't get it. Four years ago, I bet these people were totally rootin' tootin' George Bush. I just don't get why the Democrats didn't use the "waffle" routine on Republicans. "Yay Bush... Boo Bush!"
I don't get why Bush has a incredibly low approval rating but higher than that percentage voted for McCain. I really wanted to stand outside on the road, here in Western Kansas, with a sign that read "See what happened last time you voted Republican? Give Change a chance." but I never found time. =\
You live in Kansas (I used to as well). Whether you vote or not, whether you campaign or not, whether the candidate is the devil himself or not, the state will vote Republican.
If fact, it's one of many examples I use for why the American Democracy is a sham. :)
It is an interesting phenomenon that a state so willing to vote on a single issue (usually abortion or gay marriage, these days) for President gets far more willing to vote based on policies as the race gets closer to their homes.
Personally, I can't stand Sebelius. Luckily, her star will have fallen far enough by 2016 that she has no shot at the Presidency.
I don't get why Bush has a incredibly low approval rating but higher than that percentage voted for McCain. I really wanted to stand outside on the road, here in Western Kansas, with a sign that read "See what happened last time you voted Republican? Give Change a chance." but I never found time. =\
If fact, it's one of many examples I use for why the American Democracy is a sham. :)
What's nice about KS, though, is that it's been about 45/55 for the past few elections.
Personally, I can't stand Sebelius. Luckily, her star will have fallen far enough by 2016 that she has no shot at the Presidency.
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