Jun 08, 2006 21:56
havnt posted on lj in ages... i just got back from london the other day after a most excellent trip which involved many pubs and adventures in london one of which involved walking 30 minutes to greenwich park at 4 in the morning while drinking the vile concoction known as "White Ace" and watching the sun rise over london then throwing rocks and massive bricks into the thames. a most excellent trip indeeeed... but now i am back in austin for the summer and hafta get a job and such... lookin forward to having a good summer tho, its certainly started off quite well. tho on a down note my fucking internet cuts out every 5 mins so world of warcraft has been near impossible since i got back... >>shakes fist<< hopefully tomorrow itll be fixified. Anyways, anyone in austin give me a call to hang out cuz i gots no plans and want to do stuff as well as things.