(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 17:47

About You
Name: Adrian C. Wells
Gender(whatever that may be!): Missing.
Age: 17
5-10 Favorite Bands: What a horrible question. X-Ray Spex, Specimen, Sex Gang Children, Bauhaus, Peter and The Test Tube Babies, Antiworld, Virgin Prunes, Alien Sex Fiend, B-Movie, Cake
Hobbies: Walking around, Fencing, Lazing around, and music occasionally.
Promote the community in one place and link it to us (this keeps the community alive):http://adrian-fuck.livejournal.com/2497.html
How did you find out about us?(curiosity): Justyn of course!

-What government would you choose if given the chance and why?: Democracy in my opinion is the best option, but only because there is nothing better.
-What do you think is the most messed up thing happening in the US? In the world? Why? Polarization. Ignorning the huge defict, increasing gap between the rich and the poor, poor schools, and subversive bigotry, I feel America has become a two-sided society, you are either a Democrat, or a Republican, Conservative or Liberal. Usually either way you are a narrow-minded idiot. As for the world, besides the basics of poverty and starvation, I would say that the lack of coordination in regards to the environment to be very disturbing.
-If you could change one thing about the US (or the country you live in) what would it be? What about the rest of the world? Why? The school systems. Conflict and poverty seem to be some what necessary, but I think the fact that school administrators get paid so much more than teachers is bullshit.
-Name one political figure/"personality" that you dislike and tell us why in at least one sentence & no more than four. Then, name one you like and tell us why. Eh.... I tend not to dislike politicians, but instead disagree with them. As for political figures

Give your opinions on the following issues and give an explanation why you feel the way you do. Do not just use yes and no answers.

Abortion: Don't have a vagina, so I have no frame of reference to form an opinion on
Adoption: Unfortunate by necessary
Marriage: Increasingly meaningless
Gay Marriage: There is a difference?
Polygamy and Poly Marriage: Whatever floats your boat.
Sexism: Relative in some areas, ridiculous in others
Feminism: Out-dated and in serious need of re-invention
Degredation of women in the media: Depends on how you define that degredation
Racism: Stupid, yet all over the place
How Minorities are protrayed in the media: Seems like a racist question...
Homophobia: Everybody's got something they don't like, so I think that is fine, but intolerance to gays is a different story.
Transphobia: I'm pretty sure that isn't a word
The Media: Doing its job.
Porn: Seems fine to me, although I think it is odd that, that particular industry is one of America's biggest, yet prositution is illegal.
War: Ethically wrong, but natural.
Death Penalty: Depends on the context
Gun Control: In a rational world not necessary, but necessary in ours
Shoplifting: Seems fine to me, companies make billions of dollars in profit, if shop lifting is such an issue, perhaps they could lower prices and lose that extra billion dollars.
Euthanasia: I really hope that it is never made illegal
Affirmative Action: Racism will never go away as long as people are paying attention to it.
No Child Left Behind Act: A complex and ancient issue. The philosophy behind it, all though I find it to be very sad, is reasonible. The actual Act seems to be largely inaffective though
Patriot Act: Not nearly as bad as I think it is made out to be, and if I recall correctly, the government has been montioring our communications since well before G.B (if anyone could remember the name of that program, please tell me)
Welfare: Good.
Religion: Overly criticised by outsiders, underly examined by insiders
Eating Disorders: On the whole, bullshit.
Self-mutilation: scarification is a good art form, but teenagers are lame
Environment: The biggest issue at hand
Vegans/Vegetarians: Mixed feelings....
Vivisection: Hahahah, what and odd question! Sounds good to me.
Neo-Nazis: They are just doing there thing, as long as no violence is involved, seems okay to me.
Cloning: Something that probably isn't very good.
Stem Cell Research: Something that needs further research
Terrorism: From where?
sXe & Drugs (cigarettes & alcohol too): I admire people are straight-edge, and I try to be that way myself, but I've had a few drinks and cigarettes from time to time.
Government (in general): Huh?
Our current President and VP: In need of a reality check.
Anarchy: Stupid.
Fascism: Awful, one of humanities greatest failings
Communism: Good in concept, poor in practice
Capitalism: Destructive and unsustainable.
Liberals: Morons who have no problem complaining about everything, but offer no solution and little effort to fix.
Conservatives: Morons who have little understanding of the actual economy, and are content to being told what to think, aswell as ignoring the vast majority of rationality.
Democracy: Promoter of Mediocrity and the Mob Mentallity. I'll stick with it till something better comes along
Protests: Great, and need to be more frequent
Censorship: Mixed feelings.
Draft: No way!
Racial Profiling: When you have no information, skin and clothes are what you go on.

What do you think of the following political parties? (US Members Only)

Republican Party: Very capable and seductive party, but also very narrow-minded and short-sighted.
Democratic Party: Far too stupid to get their act together, whether they are flogging dead horses, or bickering amongst themselves, they tend to be poorly organized and ineffective.
Libertarian Party: Not enough information.
Green Party: We need some more of this.

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