Things about Wellard

Apr 29, 2006 19:07

Randomly, as I think of them.

1- on meeting Xas, one of his thoughts was that Xas was 'too pretty to do well in the navy'. Given Article 23, oy. Before the Renown, Wellard was on the Worthington. Nothing much of significance happened there (at least that I've figured so far), except perhaps for an incident in RE 23- though not to him directly. It may have been a fellow midshipman, or a young sailor. Needless to say, he knows of this sort of thing.

ETA: Young sailor his own age- Wellard and another midshipman were some of the ones that found out about it. The perpetrator was caught, and given Article 23, swung from the yardarm.

2- bird symbol- white winged tern. *eyes Aspen* ETA: Though, given the meme "What would your daemon be?" ala HDM- that's also it for him, exactly.

3- it is proper for his time, but compared to nowadays, Wellard is very old-fashioned. "sir, ma'am, miss"- it takes quite a lot to get him to drop those, if he ever does. And all of those manners for a woman? Followed. In terms of what they are capable of, Wellard is quite a bit sexist in this reguard- but that is from his time, and he's learning differently. ~Slowly~.


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