
Jul 10, 2009 18:09

First I should probably say that yeah, I'm back, again. And I'm even glad to be back. I was at home for the same amount of time as I was gone here, and I guess I could give the people from my world a few week's worth of updates but it's not much. Everyone's still here, right? Runaways? Nate? Claire?

Sometimes I think that how many years we've been alive has nothing to do with how old we really are. I feel really old.

[Filtered to Turnabout staff]

Thanks for keeping things running when I wasn't there, Peter especially. Obviously I know the place isn't going to fall apart if I'm not around, it's not even really mine, but it's nice to know. It's harder than some people like to think, running a good coffee shop. A different kind of hard than saving the world, though.

[Filtered to Hospital staff/House crew]

Dr House and Dr Chase, I wanted to really thank you for figuring out what was wrong with Billy and fixing it before. I know this is just your job, but if you ever come to the Turnabout Café it's on me. I really can't do enough to thank you, but maybe free coffee and tea is a good start.


How young is too young for marriage? How soon in a relationship is too soon? Does it even really make a difference in a relationship in a place like this?

[ooc: You can reply to the anon without replying to the rest of the post or vice versa, just say so in your comments, but remember that technically the two have no network connection at all. You can make two separate comments if it would be easier, even.]

thank yous, brooding type, anonymous post, the turnabout, mother bear, can has boyfriend, billy, srs fais, beyond his years, roll call, not so subtle, angst what angst?

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