Well, my first guess would be England. Then again, it might be any of the Commonwealth countries which had a substantial British influx and/or influence - it wouldn't be out of place in Australia, for instance. The lighting is unusual for Australia, but it could be an overcast day.
But finally, I think it's the Land of the Levitating Crockery, because I have no idea what that cup and plate the older lady's reaching for are being supported by.
Yes, it could be somewhere other than England. But it would have to be someone who's gone to extreme lengths to make everything look English, and then have this photo taken on a day when the lighting looked just right.
But finally, I think it's the Land of the Levitating Crockery, because I have no idea what that cup and plate the older lady's reaching for are being supported by.
Yes, it could be somewhere other than England. But it would have to be someone who's gone to extreme lengths to make everything look English, and then have this photo taken on a day when the lighting looked just right.
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