2008 Roster part 1
The Days and nights I'm working in the first half of 2008 (provisional)
Astute viewers will notice the oddness around the first week. I've been shuffled to a different shift. This shuffling may end up not actually happening, though. If so, I'll post an updated roster when I know for sure. It was all worked out in unseemly haste just before managerial staff all went on leave. And strangely, the two people who are now going to be the shift leaders (instead of the four we used to have) weren't actually involved in the shuffling process, and aren't happy about it. I'm certainly not happy to now be working several weekends I had identified for things, like the archery mentoring weekend, and my birthday party.
EDIT: That'll teach me to trust other people. Now updated to include the 29th of February. *Mutter, mutter, grumble*