
Feb 04, 2011 14:45

[Filtered from Frederic 1 80% thanks to Hughes]

[Today, Poland has important questions for you, Luceti.]

Question time!!

1. Whos good with hair??? We need a hairdresser totally
2. Where do you get liquid display crystals? Or something like that I dont know but where do you get them? Somebody give me some because I need them

[Last one is a little weirder ( Read more... )

c: hughes, c: robert hastings, c: rachel alucard, c: kevin lucas, way to go poland, c: frederic, c: hungary, written, c: rise, c: patchouli, c: guy, doesn't know how to filter

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Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 5 2011, 07:54:42 UTC
[This person is such an impulsive sort that it makes Robert a little perturbed. Regardless, at this point he feels he has an obligation to keep the dialogue open.]

1. Well, specifically I meant the members of the village itself. I severely doubt the Malnosso would be particularly helpful in this regard... though I have heard talk of more receptive Malnossian scientists who might be willing to assist you.

2. Most Terrans have direct connections to massive databases in their residences; these databases have access to all the information currently available to Terra. One could watch all the holovideos that one pleased. Conceivably there are enough data for one to watch holovideos for several generations.

If by chance you do discover a manner of finding liquid display crystals before I do, I would much like to hear about it myself. If such material can be found here in Luceti, it is thoroughly possible that other materials may be procured as well.

[Robert furrows his brow at all these questions. He's going to have to do this systematically.]


a) By "extensive rapport" I am referring to the presence of a close relationship that one has maintained for long enough that one can be reasonably certain of all members of the relationship obtaining some sort of benefit from it.

b) If your friend did not like this other person, what sort of meaning would this situation have to begin with? Your friend would have never been interested in the other person long enough for there to be a relationship at all, in that case. [Robert does not understand the meaning of "like" as a synonym for "has attraction to". This concept will need to be explained to him.]

c) The most accurate way to judge whether a relationship will function or not is to see whether or not all members of the relationship are willing to put effort into maintaining it. It is notoriously difficult to maintain a relationship if there is no open communication between its members. I would say that your friend and the person your friend is thinking of having a relationship with would be the most qualified to judge whether or not the relationship would be workable long-term.

d) There is no shame in having a relationship. As long as all members are consenting and comfortable, what does it matter? The opinion of other people should not be a factor as to whether your friend should be with a person that your friend wants to be with - the only people capable of making such a decision are the ones directly involved in said relationship. [If Robert could write with conviction, he would do so. This is one of the many tenets of Terran humanism that he strongly supports.

The next bit catches him a little off-guard.]

... e) My vernacular is the most professional and acceptable manner of speaking amongst certified scientists at the Randi Institute. [By that, he means he didn't even realize it was weird.]


[Written] polishrule February 5 2011, 09:13:17 UTC
[Poland basically skimmed through that. His attention's too short to really pay attention to this. Plus there's a lot of words he's trying to figure out.]

1. But I dont think anybody knows how to cut hair and style it and I kind of do but Im not going to do it. I need someone to do it for me.

2. Whats a holovideo?

But Ill totally tell you OK?


Um are we going by the alphabet now??? But I dont get what youre saying. Other than you saying other people shouldnt matter and I agree but like with this it sort of matters and that they should know if itll work maybe but my friend knows it wont so.

And what's a vernacular?


Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 5 2011, 09:25:22 UTC
[Robert is the resident king of tl;dr anyway. And pretentious diction. Poland's at least reading it.]

1. Point duly acknowledged. However, it is an important subject, considering that many of the ones here will likely need to have their respective hair cut at some point. Perhaps there is literature on the subject at the library if somebody would be willing to study it? [Robert would, but he'd totally be fulfilling a stereotype. And even beyond that, he's too practical to do fancy hairstyles.]

2. [It's still jarring to be around people who don't intrisically know these things.] ... Ah. A holovideo is an audiovisual feed where the visual portion is conveyed by three-dimensionally-projected imagery, to better convey perspective and depth than a two-dimensional image would.

As for the lettered part - I was simply trying to keep your questions organized, as otherwise it would have been a rather disjointed paragraph. But I digress...

If your friend knows that the relationship will not work, then it is up to your friend to inform the person interested in him of this fact. That is the only ethical thing to do. Otherwise your friend will simply be leaving the person in a position where the person is indefinitely unaware - and knowing is always better than remaining ignorant. [Or at least Robert thinks so.]

As for your question - vernacular is a style of speech or communication and generally encompasses word choice and inflection.


[Written] polishrule February 5 2011, 11:02:46 UTC
[Poland has begun to notice this. But let's see how long this can even last, Poland actually reading this.]

1. You really think somebody could study about it?? Like thatd actually work? [And suddenly, he has an idea.]

2. So its kind of like TV except not. OK got it!! Thats kind of cool

I still dont really get it but OK. Using the alphabet is confusing though

So I should tell them? But I dont know. I dont really want to hurt their feelings. [Which...actually shows how much the person means to them. Considering Poland just doesn't think about these things usually.]

Why didnt you just say something easier then?


Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 6 2011, 00:59:03 UTC
[Robert isn't used to having his writing criticized, but Luceti is a cesspool of things he isn't used to, so it's all good.]

1. Yes, I do believe that someone could research the process. Perhaps even teach an extracurricular class in the school... you might wish to contact Ms. Raine Sage on that prospect.

2. I am glad to have been able to answer your questions. Perhaps, if I can ever obtain my nanocomputer here, I shall show you a holovideo from its databanks.

3. I apologize for confusing you. I shall maintain this format, then, and use paragraph breaks to indicate a change instead.

Ah, is this situation about you instead? [He's genuinely curious. It's not an aggressive question; he just literally couldn't tell.] I suppose the answer is the same regardless...

But, in terms of hurting the other person's feelings - I sincerely believe that the other person's feelings would be injured more severely by you or your friend withholding the truth than from you or your friend's honesty. One who is a close friend would probably appreciate being told the truth, regardless of how painful it may be initially.

Ah. I... did not realize I was presenting a language barrier. [The next part is hesitant and a little small.] I suppose that I have never had to consider this before.


[Written] polishrule February 6 2011, 01:19:21 UTC
[Poland gets his criticized all the time. Don't worry, Robert. It's easy to get used to.]

1. I dont know [Contacting someone he doesn't know? No, Poland doesn't work like that. But at the same time, he really does want a nice hair salon. This might be a hard decision he'll have to make.]

2. Totally?? Oh my gosh thatd be really cool!! Dude does yours have cable?

3. Thanks!

[Crap, he slipped again. He keeps doing that.] No, its not about me! Its about my friend! I just messed up or something but it's NOT ME

I guess youre right. But I dont know. Its weird because...its weird. [Mostly because he isn't used to this sort of thing and some part of him wants to believe it'd work, but he knows he wouldn't.]

Ya people dont always know all those words. I totally have never seen vernacular before


Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 6 2011, 02:23:27 UTC
[Such vehemence! Robert seems to have accidentally hit a nerve there. He can't help but pry at this a bit.]

1. I must contact Ms. Raine Sage myself subsequently, as I wish to become a teacher. Perhaps we can make our request together, or I may make it on your behalf?

2. "Cable"? Ah, another term I do not recognize. My databanks may be compromised due to the lack of connection to Terra's planetwide databases, but I will see what I can do.

3. [Here is where Robert's writing becomes a little... terse?] You hardly need to be so anxious about it. If it were your problem, it would be very commendable that you are asking for help for it. Asking for help is a very intelligent thing to do; certainly it is much better than blundering about.

[Were Robert capable of writing gently, he probably would. As gently as he can seem, anyway.] I understand that romantic relationships can be... difficult. It is especially difficult in such a scenario where one person is interested and the other is not. But... usually, a rational, clear-minded approach will help to deal with the situation. The important thing is to try to remain calm and objective; becoming distraught will only serve to make things worse.

I suppose my vocabulary is somewhat... advanced for this place... At any rate, I will try to be more mindful of my words. Or perhaps include definitions.


[Written] polishrule February 6 2011, 11:06:17 UTC
1. Make it for me??? [Too shy to really do anything about that. That seems awkward.] Id be totally grateful

2. Oh my gosh you dont have cable in the future? Thats so horrible!! Its like here. But OK?? I dont get it but OK!!

3. ...its smart to ask for help? [This is something he never thought of.]

My friend is totally calm!! But [Poland cannot find it in him to able to go to the other person. He can't. He could try and then he'd just go right back. Deep down, he knows he should. But that's not easy.] whatever

OK cool!!! Definitons would sooo help


Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 7 2011, 03:28:06 UTC
[Robert's shy too. And nervous. But when he has a professional mask to wear, he usually deals well enough.]

1. As you wish. I shall mention it my next broadcast.

2. I am curious to witness this "cable" you speak of... perhaps I may see it if you obtain access to it here?

3. Yes. It is very intelligent to request help when necessary. [Even though Robert hates admitting he doesn't know things, even he knows this much.]

Perhaps someone might assist your friend - like yourself - in speaking to this person? It might... make it easier. [Robert knows how it feels, feeling that sort of crushing anxiety. And sometimes, the idea of somebody to support you - it really helps when dealing with it.

Not like Robert has anybody to support him. Or did until now, anyway...]

At least it would be less uncomfortable than for your friend to go alone.

I really do recommend that your friend do something, though. It... [Robert falters, and then writes the next part in very small letters - almost shameful script.] You should do everything in your power to hold onto a relationship, lest it be wrested from your grasp.


[Written] polishrule February 9 2011, 16:10:20 UTC
[And surprisingly, Poland is the same way. It's just not very often for him.]

1. Thanks!!!

2. OK!! I cant really explain it but its really cool and I can watch stuff with it. But Japan keeps telling me we dont have cable here

3. I never knew that [Because Poland doesn't very often ask for help with serious things until he desperately needs it. Everything else that's small? Sure. But no, to everything else.]

You think someone could? Because I totally know who could help and thatd be a lot of help

You so have a good point!!

[And that last bit calls out to him because he does know that. He doesn't have many real friends or anything like that.]

I know. Youre right because I should do something


Re: [Written] semper_cogitans February 9 2011, 18:45:31 UTC
1. I am doing so at this very moment, actually.

2. This Japan seems as though he is very technologically-inclined. Perhaps I could meet him one of these days? (OOC: Robert doesn't recognize the country names "Japan", "Poland", et cetera, because Terra hasn't had any political boundaries for a good century or so. The Hetalia cast would probably find that really disturbing.)

3. Then it is good that you have been informed. Perhaps in future you would wish to ask for help more readily... Although asking for help can be quite discomforting, it is often that people will be willing to assist you - or at least I have discovered such here. [Rather unwillingly, he might add.]

I definitely think that someone could assist you in this regard. And if you can think of someone already to assist, so much the better.

I... have personal experience with this situation. I... would not wish for you to make the same mistake as I did.


[Written] polishrule February 10 2011, 00:51:01 UTC
1. Really??? Totally cool!!!

2. I dont know. Probably!! He goes by Honda or Kiku or something here??? I dont know. But hes the guy that bows a lot

3. I guess. Asking for help is whatever [It's awkward and weird admitting you need help. Poland's not so good at admitting he needs help.]

Ya I totally have someone so that could help! Thanks!!!

Oh really?? What happened??? [Yeah, just going ahead and asking. He's curious and wants to know. Manners are another thing Poland is not so good at.]


Re: [Written] 1/2 semper_cogitans February 10 2011, 01:07:48 UTC
1. I have yet to receive a response, but hopefully that changes sooner rather than later.

2. I doubt that I have met him yet, but hopefully that will change in the future.

3. I understand your discomfort with it. I myself am... not used to asking for help.

I am glad that there is someone who will assist you.

[Oh, and that last part.

Oh geez. Robert... really doesn't know how to respond at first. Have a long period where he doesn't write anything...

And then...]


Re: [Written (Filtered)] 2/2 semper_cogitans February 10 2011, 01:11:37 UTC
[Filtered to Poland - 75%]


Well. It is difficult for me to speak of, but... [Well, it's not like Poland is somebody who knows Robert very well, and he can't see the fierce blush on Robert's face as he writes a very... bare-bones account]

A... former partner and close friend of mine and I had a... tumultuous break-up. It... was uncomfortable, to say the least.

[Don't mind Robert, he's just being a little sad now. Or maybe a lot sad. It's a good thing nobody can see him sniffling a bit.]



[Written] polishrule February 10 2011, 01:24:49 UTC
[And okay, he's now just being nosy and forgetting every other thing said. He has relationship problems, this guy had relationship problems, and his were worse. Clearly this was interesting and moreso.]

What happened???

[He somehow turns off the filter for his comment while he's at it.]


Re: [Written(Filtered)] fdshd xD; semper_cogitans February 10 2011, 01:31:53 UTC
[Oh gods. Robert reinstates that filter pretty damn quickly, even if he's a little teary. He's never admitted this kind of thing to anybody before, ever, and even that barely-there narrative embarrasses him and shames him and scares him in ways that are entirely irrational (and thus even more frightening for that reason).]

[Filtered to Poland - 75%]

It... I don't know if there is much else I feel at liberty to say.

Just... the situation... reminded me of the loss. [Why did he even say this much? Why does he want a strange person knowing anything about him?

Perhaps it's because, for once, he feels... Like perhaps people care about him. But he doesn't know if he can trust Poland.]


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