Im still here

Jun 13, 2005 16:21

No worries, im alright..lets not all get up and wonder where i went lol jk

well its day 7 off my working binge, 7 straight days without getting a day off but at least ill be getting some decent money.

Last week was nice nice, several days off but then my working binge lol. Been working and workout out every day but decided to give my body a rest and been off for 3 days but imm going back to the gym tomorrow, on my day off thank you very much. Its one of three days off i have so YES! lol

Hockey has been saweet, cept for one moment last week, these two guys were getting at each other, one of them being twice as old as the other one (18, 40 something) and they were going back and fourht with each other, hacking and slashing until it just exploded... Bill, the older guy, knock the younger guy, dont know his name so we will just call him jim bob, and in retaliation, jim bob whacked bill in the chest with his stick as he was going down and Bill then procedded to wind up and two handed jim bob right in the chest...he almost did it twice...yes temper temper temper lol.....That night was alright, it was a very competitive night, i only got a goal and assist, i did have my chances, but obviously as you can wonder the goalie i was facing was pretty darn good, i had to beat him on his glove side with like 5 mins left to salvage the night.

On Thursday for hockey,there was this crazy stunt i were in teh defensive zone when the puck was poked out of the zone, but had possibly enough speed to reach the goalie, so i hit the jets and bursted full speed to catch up to the puck, but then the goalie came out and challanged and slid with stacked pads, trying to cover the low ice, but i was able to chip the puck enough just over the goalie but then here comes the stunt, i had to jump over the goalie but then i noticed i was wayy to high, thinking i jumped to hard and i came crashed down, sliding past the net but thankfully the puck was waiting there for me in the crease, so i slamed it in lol...lower back is hurting a lil bit.

Later on that week, i went over my bud's house and played some poker, lost the first game but wasnt the first to go out and won the second game for a whole 9 bucks woo hoo lol

Just last night, i was overwhelmed with stupid things said by this one guy i know from teh shores gang.... heres a list
1) Almost thought Ronald McDonald was on the Pistons
2)Thought comprenda was italian
3) Confused GHB with a music band
4)Thought Pin curl hair style was called Pine Cone

Thats it, but there is alot more, so ill be nice

Well now its on to work and thinking of my day off tom! GO MONGO lmao
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