GOod times.

Aug 22, 2004 00:22

Tonight I hung out with Nicole $$. IT was lots of fun.. all we really did was TALK the whole time! a good 3 hours or soemthing lol. We rocked out to the Ashlee SImpson cd in my car (sadly, I do like her cd :-/... f'n Melanie burned it for anyways we were on our 4th time around listening to the cd.. heh. It was good catching up on everything we have missed..Ironically she lives around the corner from Evan lol. I was thinking about 1)stopping by unexpectantly but it was like midnight.. or 2) leaving a note on his car but thats just ghey. so i did neither and drove home...Ya im an f'n stalker.

Tomorrows my last day of work :( OMG ive worked there for 14 months.. and im leaving.. how sad... damn. But there is a party happenin.. so WOOEEYYY!! :D My goal is sooo to make out with whats his name ;) hehehe.

last night Justin called me back, im glad im going to have a friend in LV. He's taking me out to dinner *blush* that way I can tell him the 2398402938402983 stories i have...and so we can catch up on the past 4 months of what we have missed.. oh goodness. lol im sure theres going to be more stories after tomorrow night :D i cant wait.

Then my dad wants to leave for LV at like 4am on wednesday. im like.. :| umm ok. lol thats a LONG ASS drive. eek.. 8 hours..bah humbug. lol
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