[Blog] Huh...

Nov 17, 2010 16:25

I got mail from my dad today! But, all it had was this...
 Campaign fee-----3469.80złParade floats-----14962.96złPosters-----110.34złDancers-----1105.45złPaint-----152.65złA camera-----98.04złGlitter-----120.44zł30 ponies-----4201.51złManicures-----672.24złT-shirt cannons-----661.04zł300 copies-----277.99zł20 dresses-----2646.95zł5 pairs of heels-----575.41złSunglasses-----109.88zł13 coats-----722.88złGroceries-----57.83zł34 tops-----925.28złTies-----185.06złHair accessories-----170.60złHairdresser-----578.30złNew alarm clock-----101.20złNew cell phone-----289.15złReplacement stove-----1324.31złNew microwave-----425.05zł13 boxes of light bulbs-----375.90złReplacement lamps-----475.90złElectricity bill-----2573.44złRent-----4337.26złWater bill-----546.49złCable bill-----1165.28złInternet bill-----1055.40złCell phone bill-----867.45złNew TV-----665.05złiTunes----- 413.49złSleep aids-----69.40złNight lights----- 78.07złKitchen knives----+ 95.42zł
...I, like, already know all the things I've bought lately. I don't get why he sent that, but it's totally okay because looking at it made me forget a few things I'd gotten recently. I also got this with it...

Which makes even LESS sense! I think my dad must be going crazy cause he's way old and stuff.

Hey, what does it mean when your tv is stuck on one channel that just has a show about black and white, buzzy dots? It's really lame and it won't go away.

(ooc: trans- 'What is this... i can't even... you have enough clothes... what is a t-shirt cannon?!... why so many light bulbs... I can't even look... This is unacceptable!!!' AKA Feliks got cut off. Also, I just took random guesses to prices but the Polish zloty total came to 46,372.07 which is $16,037.35 :P )

wasn't me, oh no they didn't, light bulbs are my enemy, event!mg, it's because i'm blonde isn't it, daddy dearest, this is madness! no this is feliks, post type: blog, this sucks!, billsbillsbills

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