[OOC] Thread Log and Etc.

Aug 04, 2011 22:42


Jeden. Totally claiming his hippie! [Sindre] {complete}
Dwa. Kind of learning his lesson to watch his mouth around others of questionable genders... [Kim] {complete}


Jeden. Obtaining a tiara and not being afraid to use it! [Sindre, Søren] {complete}
Dwa. Glee-ing and stuff. [Glee Club] {dead}
Trzy. Being an oblivious pirate of the lazy hostess type. [Aziza + pirate crew and customers] {complete}
Cztery. Becoming someone's sassy gay friend. [Alfred] {complete}

Jeden. Sherlock Feliks and Dr.Feli~ [Feliciano] {complete}
Dwa. Learning that the manly ones fight back! [Kim] {complete}

Jeden. Breaking and entering isn't illegal. [Elizaveta] {dead?}
Dwa. The worst kind of duo. [Pierre] {dead}
Trzy. Cat fighting the competition [Roderich] {complete}

- How to train your Feliks about dragons.

If anyone wants to thread I’m up for anything, seriously, anything, or just kick me in the butt about an idea we discussed (that I probably obliviously forgot about... derpderp) That’s cool too~ I'm always unsure of how busy you all are... orz

[Um, also I bumped Feliks’ age to 21 (he'll be 22 in a couple months) along with a few other fixes to go with that; interior designing by Feliks anyone? So, I hope this makes things more correct for this rp. I’m just going to have this be the start of his last year at college. I really didn’t want to get him too old because then I would have had to change my app quite a bit, so if it still feels weird or if there’s anything else that’ll help his character fit more into all this, please... just let me know? I’m a scare actor for a living right now, but I don’t bite, I promise ^^ Uh, he can legally drink now hurhurhur]

ooc: application, ooc: threads, ooc: thread log

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