Getting nervous, but liking it....

Oct 14, 2009 13:36

Hey Lj,
Finally gearing up for this weekend. I'm buying a new set of strings later today. Sunday I have the I.B.C. at the Noodle. I think we are going to do pretty great, but you never know. Last year, not to brag or sound pompous, but we were easily the best band at the competition. One of the three judges straight up told me " sounded great, but I just think you guys are too young...." kind of a bunch of bullshit, but it happens I guess. We were after all, the youngest band there. We are going to prove that we belong there and we can go toe to toe with any band there.....even if we are younger than they are.
I have to say that I love the rush you get when you play music on stage. It's something the kinda scary, but a bigger high than any drug can ever make you. It's better than the best cocaine, and when your band lays that fat grove down and you do your thang and the crowd is in the palm of your hand.....I can at times have an almost out of body experience. It's so hard to describe to somebody that has never experienced it before. But take my word, it is truly an amazing thing. It literally heals my soul and makes me want to keep playing the rest of my life.....It all starts with just being a little nervous though. C:
Laters Lj,
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