Apr 19, 2006 01:47
Hey Lj, it's another late night, and once again I am bored. The parental units are out of town, and Craig and I decided that we should hang out with Heavy for a while. He is still fun as fuck to be around. LoL. We had a little improv jam session, and needless to say it was fun as hell. LoL. It feels nice to play music just to play, not for practicing or gigging around.
The band is going awesome, we are starting to pick up some gigs, and I am still amazed at how good we sound. LoL. Not to tute my own horn, but the band really is kcick ass. Even older guys are starting to take notice of us. With any luck we are going on a little tour in the WInter of 2007, so that should be a blast. Keep your fingers crossed for us. =D
It seems like things are finally starting to go right for us now. Like everything is starting to fall in place. It's hard to describe what it feels like to be on stage. It almost makes you another person. It's hard to describe to people who have never experienced that...its like you got the whole room in your hand and they are just waiting to see what you do next. It feeds your ego, and when(and if)you do it enough, it makes you super confident. It seems like lately, I been over zealous. Almost to confident, sometimes...but I think that is what attracts girls. I think that is why girls are attracted to assholes...most assholes are extremely confident, and I think that is what girls are attracted to. And so far it has been working for me, not the asshole part, but just being super confident. I think I am contributing a lot of this to my new hair as well. LoL. It seems like I can get almost any girl's phone number. Weather I want it or not. LoL. It just seems to happen. And it seems like the more this happens, the better I get at guitar. It's almost like I am starting to feed off of all this attention. It's better the any drug you can take.
But yet no matter how hard I try. No matter how much music I play or no matter how smooth I am, I still cant get the one thing I want. It seems like the more attention I get, the more it makes me want it. It's like going to the store and getting everything you want but not the one thing that you need. And this is something that I not only want, in my heart I know I need. I need her to be by my side, to help me be all I can be, just like I can, and will, help her be all that she can be.
Well it's 2:07 am so I think I need to go to bed.
Nighties to all...Faith, Hope, and Charity.........