I can see it, but I cant reach it.

Apr 05, 2006 01:23

Hey Lj,
Remeber when you were a kid and you tried to reach for something on the top shelf(in my case it was the cookie jar, LoL) but you were just too short to reach it? And it seems the harder you reach the farther away it seems, and that just makes you really mad. Thats the best way to describe how I have been feeling lately.
I know what I want but no matter how hard I try I can't have what it is my heart desires. It's like the old addage..."It's so close, but yet so far away." I just don't understand sometimes, maybe it's not my place to understand. Who knows. I do know that I dont want to give up on the thought of getting it. I strongly believe that people get what they put in and get what they deserve. And that is one of thoughts that pushes me in to a constant pursuit of what I want.
On a different note, I am getting my hair cut tomorrow with my Ma' for Locks of Love. 10inches will be gone...but I will still have somewhere between 3-6 inches left, so it's not like I will be bald. LoL.
Laters to all I guess.
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