Sep 22, 2005 17:37
This is just gonna be pretty random...
Got back from Monica's, it was pretty fun. (I will make a copy for you monica of that one "special" picture, you know which one I'm talking about. lol)
Went to the high school to pick up my sis. Yeah, Edmund and Corey are great. That is all I have to say. lol. It was nice to see alex and bamber. Lovely girls.
Uh, SHOCKER of my life, well, I was at that crazy IMBD website looking at new Jude Law movies and there was a link. Oh, beware of the links!!! It led me to a gay man's website of a NAKED Jude Law putting on boxers!!! Naked! As in nothing was shaded or covered so you won't see anything!!! Ah! Just so WRONG!! Give the man some privacy.
Okay, well, this concludes the most pointless entry ever....I'm so tired.