on the train, 14 march 2009
Английские товарищи уговорили поиграть в игру в Facebook. пишешь 25 рандомных вещей про себя и отмечаешь 25 человек, чтобы они сделали тоже. Вот мои 25 бредовых statements. Всё правда, всё бесстыдно. Сложно перевести некоторые предложения, я не сильна в худ. переводе - всё на заморском языке. Поэтому если нужно конкретно объяснить - пишите.
1. I have a very russian name and a very jewish family name. Somehow, 'Melamed' sounds arabic to most people
2. My fascination with photgoraphy is not in any way connected to the fact that some photographers are immensly hot
3. I never purposely make enemies and I really do mind hating people or people hating me. ALthough, 'hate' is a very strong word itself
4. I know 8 Robbie Williams' songs by heart and I will love him even if he turns even uglier and more useless than he is now.
5. I do not feel guilty when I do not care about saving our planet. Don't guilt trip me, it's not gonna happen!!
6. I have an obsession with well groomed eyebrows. Bad eyebrows = ruined face.
7. I trademarked the 'Moscow Slut Strut', not that I use it or anything.
8. I really think that girls should stay out of banter.
9. Retail therapy is real.
10. SATC is real too.
11. Hair flick and the phrase 'Well, I'm Russian' can excuse pretty much anything.
12. Things have to be neat and organised. I this is not so, I freak out.
13. Sunbeds give you cancer, but they also give you a great tan, so I do love them.
14. I buy sliced cheeses because I am incapabale of cutting my own neatly enough to satisfy my craving for pretty slices.
15. I had coffee posioning/ overdose, but it is still my favourite drink. It has to be sweet and milky though.
16. I am a city girl - Moscow and London are my favourite places in the world.
17. Age gap is NOT a real problem.
18. I really don't like it when people generalise - that includes all sorts of stereotypes,
prejudices etc. It's just really unnecessary and may be hurtful.
19. I don't care that much what people I don't care about think of me. I do care about the opinions of those who are close to me.
20. I wish I had more time to read the books I like, not the ones I have to, and watch all the movies I want to.
21. I got kicked out of ballet school for being too chubby.
22. I really appreciate the concept of exercise, I just can't get myself to realise it regularly.
23. I will only do festivals when they become clean.
24. I hate winter and love summer.
25. I really appreciate it when people are on the same 'wavelength' as I am.