Title: Five Times Rahm Emanuel Didn't Resign (And One Time He Did)
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Rahm/Barack if you squint
Summary: The average tenure of the White House Chief of Staff is two years.
AN: Dear God, if you only knew how long I've been working on this fic. The boys just would not
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Comments 31
sobbing too hard at the last one
also: “Except for maybe yelling about not crapping on the South Lawn, this would change the ordinary day to day activities how?”
There are so many lines I loved, i'd just have to quote the whole thing.
Really, it's just Sorkin-y enough. :)
(also, just out of curiosity, is there a five-and-one meme going around? I've seen a couple of others on this theme in my other fandoms...)
THIS IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT. The two sort of strange father figures in his section, of the actual dad and Barack as the soon to be head of the American family, but also the boss, and the way Rahm doesn't cave but has to in the end, and somehow through it all, realizing that he might love Barack, just a little bit, it's so fabulous.
2. I love this one ALMOST THE BEST because of the language. You’re getting that deer in the headlights, now seems like an awesome time to fall on my sword look. ready, willing, and able to gut him with a teaspoon. Do Not Touch Under Pain of Pain. ‘eventually’ is five eternities in the twenty-four hour news cycle. I’d suggest investing in a helmet. RAHM THE DRAMA QUEEN. The way Barack deals with crises in your story is the most beautiful part of him, that he can pre-empt Rahm's superdramatic I HAVE TO QUIT~~!11!!@!@@!!!1111 moment with just a slap on the head, and you've written the most bad-ass Barack ( ... )
The way Barack deals with crises in your story is the most beautiful part of him
And, and part three, oh God OWWW. :'( BUT THEN IT WAS OKAY IN THE END. But ow.
Also, making Cantor cry = FTW.
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