Title: Middleweight Boxing Champion of Brigham Young University
Author: modernotica
Rating: PG-13 overall
Word count: <2000
Characters: John McCain, Mitt Romney, Cindy McCain so far.
Author's Note: If it isn't screamingly obvious, this whole thing is a spoof of McCain's obsession with Hemingway. I've basically turned John McCain into Jake whats-his-name and Cindy into Brett from 'The Sun Also Rises.' Jindal is Romero and the Republican National Convention is the bullfighting festival of Pamplona. It's imperfect given the plot, but Romney is basically Cohn.
Everybody knew about Cindy anyway. If she was good enough for Goldwater, she was good enough for anyone else. He'd let her buy him a Senate seat for the price of a few weekends apart. Why not the White House? Hell, why not a ham sandwich?