Oct 10, 2006 20:03
so another bank story, hopefully there will be drastically fewer of these in approximately two weeks... my boss likes to try and hold competitions amongst the employees to motivate us to do something. you know the kind, the person who can do the most of X or the best of Y will win prize Z. so in last week's intraoffice competition, i came in dead last and my manager was making a big show about it being sad that i didn't get the prize [in this case a gift certificate to one of the nearby restaruants]. one reason he was making a show was that the girl who won is the one who he gets the most complaints about and it was a customer service based contest. what my boss fails to grasp is that no matter what he chooses as a prize, no competition will ever motivate me. i lost becuase i refused to compete, not becuase i did a worse job on customer service. i don't care to test myself against others, and there is not a damn thing he can do about it. as the Psychedelic Furs put it, "you can never win or lose if you don't run the race."
besides, winning an itraoffice contest is like winning the race at the special olympics, you may be first buts its still retarded.
Editor's Note: The editor would like to apologize for the often crass and insensitive behaviour of the author of this column.
Author's Note to the Editor's Note: if I am an asshole it certainly makes my life less stressful than if I had to worry about being politically correct and not offending people; especially when it means people will become more offended at smaller things when they don't get their precious way. Don't tiptoe through the tulips, stomp right on top of those fucking flowers.