Nov 07, 2013 23:04
1.If I had had a thousand pound I'll buy to myself printer HP LJ - for my study, scanner - for my project about family photo archive, trip to Finland, and I'll order a photo book with my grandparent best photo. I did scann all his photo, and now I need more time to choose which one is the best. And the rest of money I'll spend for genealogy project, which had starting with my mom. I have imagine my grandmother face, when she will see the photo book! These is why we live - for that kind of experiences!
2.Слушала музыку. Читала Eat, pray, love - прочла, наверное, страниц 10.
3.Не успеваю...
4.Прошла тренировку в Полиглоте на отрицание
6.Полное непонимание матанализа... Беглая пробежка по неопределенным интегралам ввела меня в ступор.
английский язык,