Сегодняшний арХив принёс любопытный комментарий к работам, опубликованным в уважаемых научных журналах Science/ Physical Review Letters. Заключительные слова (запоминается только последнее!)
To summarize: the papers I and II contain neither new
nor correct theoretical results but do contain erroneous
calculations. The phenomenon dubbed as “quantum synchronization”
does not exist in the model studied. What
the authors named by “superinsulating state” is actually
well known Coulomb blockade effects for a special model
with vanishing self-capacitance. Unfortunately, the authors
failed to reproduce known results for this model.
It is also regretful that the authors tend to use vague,
often misleading terminology in what is supposed to be
a scientific publication.
How did it happen that two refereed top-ranked scientific
journals have published almost identical erroneous
papers neglecting results already established in the literature?
This important question deserves an attention
and perhaps a separate study.
Но мне даже страшно подумать, что бы уважаемые профессора Ефетов, Фейгельман и Вигман сказали о некоторых (кхе-кхе) работах некоторых (кхе-кхе) интернет-пользователей...