So Much for Outbound Flight (NaNo Project Story)

May 08, 2007 01:30

The NaNo project (as announced at and as archived on this lj as well as a few other places), as of two fairly serious attempts of finishing/editing, can now be found at:

Yes, that's the proper order. Please don't pay attention to the darn numbers in the html, okay? When I edit in new material for a story, I inevitably end up back-dating new posts to hold the overflow of text, since the lj has these ridiculous word limits for posts that will only allow them to hold a set amount of text. So this really is the proper order for the edited story. Preface, prologue, 12 chapters/parts (I finally ended up with 12 proper chapters instead of just 11 and a dribble because of the lj's gods-be-damned arbitrary word/character limits), and an epilogue. The story is also on the NaNo site itself under author Polgarawolf, of course, though that's not anything near the final version of the story, since it wouldn't let me update at all after I'd posted a version that had upwards of the however many words it was that it wanted to reach their qualifying mark for novel status, so I'd prefer people not to read that version. Please.

In case some of you are wondering what this NaNo story is all about, well, the following should give you some idea of what I'm talking about.

Standard Disclaimer:
Act 1, Scene 1:
The stage is dark. Cue spotlight to the center of the stage. Cue Kinman Doriana of Naboo to walk to the center of the stage.
“Ahem. The author would like you to note that George Lucas owns all rights to these characters.”
Cue Revan Maloch, sweeping most distractingly across the stage in full Jedi regalia, à la Errol Flynn, on a chandelier.
Cue Anvil Drop while the attention of Kinman Doriana of Naboo is otherwise occupied.
Cue spotlight on Mitth’raw’nuruodo, Lorana Jinzler, Mitth’ras’safis, and Jorj Car’das, arms slung casually around each other’s waists, blinking innocently and studiously standing with Lorana’s Jedi robes draped mostly over the knife, while Revan (now laughing heartily) salutes them with his lightsaber and soars off into the darkness, the chandelier swinging back out above the anvil and the rather smashed in stage (above the even more broken Kinman Doriana of Naboo) and passing straight through an obviously flabbergasted Qui-Gon Jinn, who belatedly zooms off after Master Revan whilst waving his arms like a windmill trying to invite a jousting match.

Translation of Disclaimer: I am, obviously, not George Lucas. If I were, SW would be a MUCH more character-driven and realistic movie/book/comic/cartoon/tv-show/game/etc. franchise. And people would not be able to ignore the fact that, while the six-film SW saga is indeed Anakin Skywalker's story, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the inciting force, lynchpin, and soul of the entire SW saga. So. I do not own any of the lovely characters from the Star Wars 'verse, more's the pity! The only thing I do have (and I can't even say own, as I'm sure the muse would revolt if I did) is an extremely contrary muse, which refuses to shut up and leave me alone . . .

*Title: So Much for Outbound Flight (*working title only)

Pairing: This work does not revolve around an actual couple, though the teacher/student relationship of Revan Maloch and Qui-Gon Jinn holds a position fairly close to the heart of the story. There will be some pairing up of characters before the end of the fic, but it would give away too much to tell you who they are now.

Rating: Uhm, probably a borderline PG/PG-13-ish occasionally leaning towards R (?), though I can't swear to what would be the better rating overall (since I suffer from a persistent inability to understand the difference between these ratings).

Summary: The future is never a fixed thing. Though specific actions can forever perclude the possibility of certain future pathways coming about, other unexpected choices can have powerful repercussions with far-reaching effects upon the possible probable pathways that the future might yet take. If the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn can persuade the Force spirit of Revan Maloch to help him save the passengers of the Outbound Flight Project, the balance of power in the galaxy might yet tip away from darkness into light, and much evil and suffering could, possibly, still be averted, despite the machinations of Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith. To accomplish this, though, Qui-Gon will have to overcome Revan's considerable determination to save the Chiss warrior Mitth’raw’nuruodo from the poisonous clutches of Sidious, even if he must sacrifice every single one of the 50,000 plus lives of the passengers and crew members of Outbound Flight in order to do so . . .

Author’s Note: 1) For those who are confused about if and how this story fits in with the AU SW 'verse of my WiP, please see the author's posting about NaNo and this story at Essentially, this is an AU story that mostly coincides with the period of time covered by Timothy Zahn's SW Expanded Universe novel Outbound Flight, the majority of the action picking up around a point about three-fifths to two-thirds of the way through that novel and then following much of that timeline to a rather different ending. The further into the story you go, the more AU it becomes, as the ripples of change build up momentum and begin to reshape events. However, much of the action (and dialogue) mirrors what is portrayed in the Zahn book, if on a slightly more intimate scale. For those who haven't read this book, there are some spoilers. For those who are familiar with it, there will be a lot here that seems familiar. As circumstances and situations begin to alter from the those along the pathway of events that culminate in disaster for the Outbound Flight Project in the EU, though, it will quickly become apparent why this story is classified as AU. Readers should know that this story is a companion piece to my massive SW WiP (working title: You Became to Me). It was written as a separate, novella-length work for NaNo (though it ended up actually being novel-length [somewhere in the vicinity of 125,000 words]) due to the fact that I had realized (with a little help from some friends) that a sizeable chunk of story would need to be written for the WiP's sequel that wouldn't exactly happen concurrently to the timeline of the WiP or most of the rest of the sequel. This story is the result of that realization, and events that occur in this story are going to directly influence certain key events in both the WiP and the WiP's sequel(s). It is not necessary to read this to understand the WiP, but should be considered a very important prequel to the WiP's sequel(s). Seriously. Y'all might want to keep that in mind, because otherwise you may be a little bit lost when I finally get around to sinking my teeth into the WiP's sequel(s) . . .
2) For those who are unfamiliar with Revan's character, the existence of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, and the Chiss, you might want to take a gander at the following highly informative articles on the Star Wars Wiki:
In fact, I would encourage anyone who's curious about any given person or item or occurrence in the SW 'verse to use the SW Wiki as a resource!
3) Please note: I personally made the decision to link the Chiss with the dissolution of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, just as I personally decided that someone as powerful and as determined as Revan would have figured out how to survive his own eventual inevitable death by becoming a true Force spirit. Otherwise, again, some of this work will pattern itself after information in the SW EU and events portrayed in the inimitable Timothy Zahn novel Outbound Flight, just as events in my AU SW WiP follow, to a certain extent, circumstances portrayed in the SW EU and in RotS. This is an AU that occurs in the 'verse of my SW WiP though, so expect a far different ending than the one Timothy Zahn was constrained to arrive at for the Outbound Flight Project!
4) This could be considered pre-slash for at least one couple (or three, sort of, if you squint) and sets the stage for a couple of het relationships as well, including a relationship that grows ever more complicated the longer the characters involved are around one another. Because of the length of the piece and the events the story's concerned with, though, there really aren't any overt pairings in the story.

Author’s Promise:: This is a companion piece my SW WiP, which is meant to be the first of a series of alternative universe novels set in a galaxy that is still clearly recognizable as the SW 'verse, even if the events depicted therein will be much different from what we have been presented with in the actual films/books/cartoons/comics/tv-shows/games/etc. of the GFFA franchise. Barring a disaster, I fully intend for there to eventually be at least three to five, and possibly seven to nine or even more, full-length novels (aside from the WiP [which is the size of at least three novels crammed together already and will be divided accordingly, during editing] and this companion piece) set in this AU SW 'verse of mine. I also intend on writing a series of satellite stories - companion pieces that will focus on specific individual characters (probably mostly supporting characters) and circumstances - to accompany and expand upon specific portions of the WiP and sequels. It will take quite a bit of time to get this much material actually written, I know, but I fully intend to keep working in this 'verse for a very long time to come. Just so y'all know.

naturally they became heroes, . . . another galaxy another time . . ., the wrong place at the wrong time, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, . . . a new hope . . .

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