Anybody who's paid much attention to this lj knows that I am, quite frankly, thoroughly obsessed engrossed with the Star Wars universe. I love Star Wars, and make no mistake about it. At one time, I owned four different versions of the OT triology (two on VHS, two on DVD. I'm now down to just two versions, but the third only moved as far as my parents and the fourth had been played to death and so was honourably retired). I own two sets of the prequel triology, and it's entirely possible that this number may up to three, if Lucas releases a new boxed set of all three extended/restored special editions on DVD while I have money enough to buy it. I have a bookshelf less than a foot away from where I am typing that is filled with approximately enough Star Wars books to fill seven feet of shelving, and more books that wouldn't fit are sitting on the bed just over yonder. I love Star Wars and it is just as simple as that.
That said, the various articles on the "Reasons to Hate Star Wars" site - Episode I (78 Reasons to Hate!); Episode II (64+ Reasons to Hate!); Episode III (91 Reasons to Hate!); The Nitpicker's Guide to Star Wars; Episode IV: Special Edition (12 Nitpicks!); Episode V: Special Edition (8 Nitpicks!); and Episode VI: Special Edition (17 Nitpicks!) - are, frankly, just *ucking hilarious! I nearly died of asphyxiation, I was laughing so hard! Even when I was nitpicking the nitpicks to pieces, I had fun and kept on laughing! So if any of you need a reason to laugh, allow me to suggest a visit to following: