Thirty-second part of a work in progress
Title: You Became to Me (as suggested by
*Pairing: Mainly Anakin/Obi-Wan with some mention of Padmé
Rating: Fairly PG-13ish now, but inevitably at least an R (?)
Disclaimer: I do not own the lovely boys from Star Wars, more's the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up
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I'm not at all sure I get what you mean by "Gary Stues" and this is probably just because you're making a reference to something that I have no knowledge of. So . . . uhm, yeah, a little bit of clarification would be good at this point, because otherwise I will have no idea what it is that you're saying. And if I don't understand what you think is wrong with the WIP, then there will be less than a snowball's chance in hades that it can ever be fixed. I can gather that you don't like the way their level of interaction with the Force is reshaping them, but this is not something that's meant to be there just to kind of gratitously make two already very easy on the eyes guys even more gorgeous than they already are and restore Anakin's missing half of an arm. It's a gift from the Force (the most immediately obvious of many), a hint at how much potential power the Force has and can exert over the physical world when it's not being leached off of and essentially half-smothered by the cancer-like growth that the Jedi have always called the veil of the Dark Side but which is actually more like an extremely malign side-effect resulting from the misuse of the Force's energy.
The Force is an energy field: it's pure, unrefined, unlimited energy. When it takes those two (Obi-Wan and Anakin) into itself, they are no longer just beings of flesh and bone. They become discrete quanta of energy within the much vaster energy field that is the Force. And when the Force releases them again - and it does, as entirely as it can, because their physical lives haven't been ended or cut short by some traumatic event that's thrown them into the Force, as happened with Qui-Gon and Dooku, and they haven't willingly sacrificed their physical lives for lives as Force spirits, as the Whills shamans did - it translates those patterns of energy back into matter as best it can after the image they carry of one another in their minds (which is, by the way, affected by the fact that they do love one another so much) and sort of . . . refines that (and them) so that their bodies function at the highest level of efficiency and health (including other side effects that won't become obvious until much later on) and are essenitally newly made, not affected or limited in any way by the lives (and experiences, many of them damaging) they've had before, in their old bodies - hence, the whole no scars and no blemishes thing, with the one exception being the calluses on their hands, which remain mainly because in their minds at that time they are still Jedi and their training and ability to use their lightsabers are so deeply ingrained that they regard the calluses on their hands as much as a part of who they are as they do any other merely physical feature - for example, say, the blue of Anakin's eyes or the dimple/cleft in Obi-Wan's chin.
And I've gone over my word limit, according to the lj, so I'm going to have to split this into two parts . . .
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