
Jul 28, 2012 00:30

Yes, I should be doing something USEFUL, but instead I have just spent four and a half hours watching the opening ceremony and singing along with the music quite often and trying not to laugh and/or cry, depending on what was going on, on the TV. So . . .

Top three favourite moments of the opening of the Olympics (London):

1.) Kenneth Branagh reciting lines from The Tempest (Shakespeare).
2.) J. K. Rowling reading an excerpt of Peter Pan prior to a rain of Marry Poppins characters.
3.) Paul McCartney looking out across the stadium and choking up so badly that he half-fumbled most of the opening words to "Hey, Jude."

Honorable mention going to:

1.) The choices of music in general (especially Queen, U2, David Bowie, and Pink Floyd).
2.) The forging of the "ring" (insert Tolkien joke here) and the copper kettles that became calla lily mini-torches for the Olympic torch.
3.) "James Bond" and the Queen and the probably by now infamous meeting, helicopter ride, and parachuting entrance to the stadium.

By the way, can someone tell me if that was Ewan during the voice over at the beginning (with Emily Blunt of Young Victoria [and The Devil Wears Prada and all kinds of other lovely things] fame, perhaps?), prior to the ceremony beginning? If so, Rowling will get bumped to honorable mention forthwith!

(Don't pout too much, m'dearies. Watching things like this tends to get my creative juices flowing, even when I'd prefer they stay where they bloody well are already. Odds are I'll stop proof-reading and start writing something or other, before the entire thing is over and done with, if I watch any of the actual games.)

today everyone is british by gum!!!!!!!!

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