Random observations of the day (just cause)

May 09, 2011 14:24

You know, if you haven't ever seen anything in 3D or if it's been so long that you can't remember whether or not you may've ever seen anything in 3D as a kid, then Thor might not be the very best choice for the first movie to watch in 3D. *Snort* All that snow and shrapnel and fire/laser crap seeming to come flying straight at you out of the screen is a wee bit disconcerting, if you aren't used to that kind of stuff.

In Thor's defense, though, it's a pretty kick-ass kinda movie for 3D. Gorgeous special effects, pretty, pretty people, and hey, some actual character building/main character growth in the storyline, too! Plus, you know, all those lovely little tie-in moments that continuity geeks love so very much, when reference to other characters in the same overall 'verse (but different films/comic books) are made . . .

Of course, now I have plot bunnies based on the fellow who played Thor Odinson. *Rolls eyes* Yes, leave it to me to turn a movie based on a comic book loosely based on Nordic mythology to get a SW-related plot bunny. Hey, he looks very Hapan-ish, in my defense!!!

And speaking of SW, I don't know why, when I was making lists of the various specific classes of handmaidens going through training for Padmé and for Sabé when she was interim Senator and for Apailana and whoever else I sat down and drew up the actual clases for, I didn't do the same blasted thing for Queen Jamillia. That'd be kinda helpful right about now, since I'm writing something that's taking place during the AotC timeframe. *Sigh* That's yet another thing to add to my to do list, I guess . . .

Does anyone know when the new X-Men movie with Rose Byrne and the boy who played Leto II in Children of Dune and who was in Becoming Jane and Atonement and loads of other stuff but whose name is escaping me right now is supposed to come out in theatres, by the way? I have GOT to go see that when it comes out.

because i need more plot bunnies . . ., cause everything is about sw apparently!, because i need more things to do . . .

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