(Working) Title for the Series: You Became to Me
Author: That would be me (
Fandom: Star Wars AU, eventually spanning all canon and EU publishing eras, though currently focused primarily on the prequel era. Readers should be noted that
, since the 03-K64 Firefly-class mid-bulk transport with standard radion accelerator core can be found in three seemingly quite distinctly different 'verses - Joss Whedon's Firefly/Serenity; the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series (and, thus, the 'verse of Caprica/Battlestar Galactica); and Star Wars (in the EU) - in my mind, the the greater galaxy of the Star Wars GFFA (outside of the bounds of the old Republic and other political bodies introduced in the EU, such as the Chiss Ascendancy) is more than big enough to contain the area of space claimed by the Alliance of Joss Whedon's Firefly/Serenity 'verse. Also, in my mind, the Earth-That-Was referred to in the Firefly/Serenity 'verse (which, readers should note, I take as having been the same Earth in Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, given certain similarities in technology used on the Dolls and the technology used to "program" River) is the same planet as the second Earth of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series, the eventual home for the allied human and human-seeming Cylon survivors of the Caprica/Battlestar Galactica 'verse . . . and the same thing responsible for originally bringing humans to those parts of the GFFA that would be claimed by or known to the Republic (in all of its many incarnations) in the SW 'verse (especially the EU) is actually also responsible for the arrival of humans in that corner of the galaxy that's been claimed by the Alliance.
Characters: Pretty much everybody from the prequel era films and EU (though with some exceptions, of course), plus some other (relatively) minor original characters
(oh, who am I kidding? There's a whole slew of OCs, really, and most of them are Nabooians, a lot of them handmaid[en]s [yes, I draw a distinction between handmaids and handmaidens, though the lines are often blurred] or relatives of handmaid[en]s) for good measure. The main characters (and eventual main couple) are Obi-Wan and Anakin. More main characters (and other important couples, like Qui-Gon and Dooku) will also figure in this series; however, to list all of the currently known eventual characters (canon or EU or otherwise) and relationships here unfortunately would be to spoil many of the stories yet to be written within the series.
Main Pairing: Eventually Obi-Wan and Anakin, following the AU demise of the Anakin/Amidala relationship. Other fairly major relationships will also feature in the series (some m/m slash; some f/f slash; some het; some . . . complicated by the presence of a functioning trio or by not entirely baseline human member(s) and so not entirely dealing with simply just biologically male or female members in the relationship in question; etc.); however, this series essentially revolves around the binary star of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and their relationship.
Rating: I'd say mainly PG-13 sliding occasionally into R territory, with a few infrequent forays into NC-17 territory.
I do and I will always try to rate things as clearly as possible; however, readers should always take care to review the material in the author/story notes sections, and should be aware that there is some fairly sexually explicit material in a handful of chapters in the third book of Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith! I have rated the entire Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith MATURE on the fanfiction.net because of those chapters, to be on the safe side, though most of the trio is, in my opinion, frankly, only borderline PG-13.
Word Count: ~1,553,000 words (and quite a few more not yet formatted properly for posting) and counting!
Genre: Erhm . . . sci-fi, romance, action/adventure, drama, mystery, comedy, all those things a good SW story generally is. (And, again, it's AU!)
Time Period: This series will eventually include all time periods known to the GFFA, including eras not on the list of the seven current canon/EU publishing eras. The current focus is on the prequel era, given the importance of the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship, but planned works (prequels and sequels to novel-length stories already completed) will be venturing as far back as the Pre-Republic and eventually cover enough time to venture into the period that, in the EU, is known as Legacy era.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Star Wars, more's the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up and leave me alone and way, way, way too much ambition . . .
Summary: This entire series was initially spawned by a combination of my long-standing belief (arrived at first when I was all of five years old, after my first viewing of the movie that would become known as A New Hope) that one of the two OTPs set forth in the SW OT films is Obi-Wan/Anakin and a very specific "what if . . . ?" sort of idea that occurred to me after I read James Luceno's Labyrinth of Evil. Initially planned as a one-shot rewrite of RotS with some material from Labyrinth of Evil, plot threads and ideas grew and split and multiplied and then grew and split and multiplied again and continued to do so until finally, nearly a million words into it, I eventually gave in and acknowledged the fact that I was dealing with an AU series that would end up spanning multiple eras of history in the GFFA. So while this is a series that follows/is informed by events that occur in EU and canon, this is only true to a certain extent, and that extent will be decreasing sharply, following the prequel era, as points of divergence increase and multiply and the shape of the future becomes more and more AU.
Warnings: If I had realized, when I started this, how difficult it is to edit a WiP on the LJ, I would have waited to post anything until I was basically done with a complete first draft. Of course, if I'd realized going in to this that I was dealing with a multi-era-spanning AU series, I would have done a whole heckuva lot of things differently (like started more chronologically, with a rewrite of TPM, for one). Unfortunately, as I did not know either of these things, the sad truth is that the series, as it currently stands, is a lot different in the WordPerfect files I have saved on my computer than it is as various parts of it have been posted on my personal LJ. Because I lack the time and patience to try to reformat and repost everything to my LJ (given that many chapters in the novel-length works are simply far too long to publish in the body of one single LJ post apiece, given the LJ's rather ridiculous word/character limits), I have tried very hard to get the current states of finished works in the series (as they are in their WordPerfect files) up on the fanfiction.net, another fandom site that (while not necessarily easier to use) at least doesn't require the reformatting of specific passages of text in order to get things properly italicized, bolded, etc. As I would prefer for readers to read things in their most current forms, I am going to attempt to keep an updated post with links to these fanfiction.net final/current versions of specific parts of the series crossposted to the various SW communities on the LJ in which it seems appropriate for the planned series (as a m/m, f/f, f/m and/or m/f, cross-species [most taken directly from the EU], occasional multi-partner work of canon- and EU-based AU fanfic) to find readers. Because of community restrictions, if I manage to get this crossposted to any of the myriad SW communities on the LJ, some communities will only be receiving an abbreviated version of this updated post. Anyone who doesn't want to risk reading from an abbreviated version should please refer to my personal LJ for the most recent version of this posting or to my fanfiction.net account, as I keep pretty much everything there and that's an account where it's actually possible to edit things fairly easily, without having to mess about with formatting and worrying overly much about word lengths!
Finished works in my AU series You Became to Me (originally largely posted in the order in which they were written, but now rearranged so that they flow more by *groupings of characters in strong/important relationships, whenever possible) currently include the following:
1). So Much for Outbound Flight, a novel-length (133,554 words, according to fanfiction.net) AU rewrite of Timothy Zahn's EU novel Outbound Flight
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3369694/1/SO_MUCH_FOR_OUTBOUND_FLIGHT 2). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book I: In the Darkness Before the Dawn, the first book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (310,646 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4009816/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_I 3). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book II: Balancing the Force, the second book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (345,423 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011730/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_II 4). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book III: The Promise of a New Order, the third book in an AU trilogy covering the events of RotS (428,535 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011945/1/Thwarting_the_Revenge_of_the_Sith_Book_III 5). “Shmi Maakaruna Skywalker Lars: Dreaming Flowers Raining in the Desert,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame of the prequels, TPM through RotS (20,526 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4252919/1/Shmi_Skywalker_Dreaming_Flowers_in_the_Desert 6). “Snapshots of Padmé Amidala's Life, After Obi-Wan,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by the prequel era (4,085 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3693656/1/Snapshots_of_Padm_Amidalas_Life_After_ObiWan 7). “Padmé Amidala’s Life in the Language of Flowers: Or, The False Flower-Maiden,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by the prequel era (8,954 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107360/1/Padm_Amidalas_Life_in_the_Language_of_Flowers 8). “Yearning to Be Free: Zai’ac Malthias Konran, Better Known as Mal,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the prequel era (4,165 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050689/1/Yearning_to_Be_Free_Zaiac_Malthias_Konran_Mal 9). “Gaining Freedom: Darred Janren’s Story,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a bit more of the time frame that what's covered by the prequel era films (4,358 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050699/1/Gaining_Freedom_Darred_Janrens_Story 10). “Growing Up Naberrie in the Shadow of Civil War: Pooja Naberrie,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the Clone Wars era (4,250 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075238/1/Growing_Up_Naberrie_in_the_Shadow_of_War_Pooja 11). “The Handmaidens’ Own Little Kallaia: Ryoo Naberrie,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the Clone Wars era (4,707 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075229/1/The_Handmaidens_Own_Little_Kallaia_Ryoo_Naberrie 12). “Sola Itami Naberrie by Sevens,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for much of the time frame covered by the prequel era (3,510 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075170/1/Sola_Itami_Naberrie_by_Sevens 13). “Love and Duty: Ellie Skye, Princess and Advisor to the Princess of Theed,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the Clone Wars era (5,039 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075224/1/Love_and_Duty_Ellie_Skye_Princess_of_Theed 14). “Illyn Leshra (Jaffa Ginborjo) Tammesin: A Rose by Any Other Name,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by the prequels and then some (18,115 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4296055/1/Illyn_Leshra_Jaffa_Ginborjo_Tammesin 15). “Gwené Maranno, Sixth Handmaiden in the First Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,348 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107363/1/Gwen_Maranno_Sixth_Handmaiden_in_the_First_Class 16). “Nanné Maranno, Third Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,881 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107367/1/Nann_Maranno_Third_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 17). “Remmé Hileagh, Fourth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,374 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107372/1/Remm_Hileagh_4th_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 18). “Zoé Maurello, Seventh Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (3,225 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107375/1/Zo_Maurello_7th_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 19). “Tillé Levesin, Eighth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,177 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107380/1/Till_Levesin_Eighth_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 20). “Maitané Aldona, Tenth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by TPM and then some (3,054 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107382/1/Maitan_Aldona_Tenth_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 21). “Lietté Gaillen, Seventh Handmaiden in the First Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,326 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107503/1/Liett_Gaillen_7th_Handmaiden_in_the_First_Class 22). “Roché Jodelle, Eighth Handmaiden in the First Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM and then some (2,666 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107509/1/Roch_Jodelle_Eighth_Handmaiden_in_the_First_Class 23). “Essé Seltrin, Tenth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM (2,209 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107514/1/Ess_Seltrin_Tenth_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 24). “Rosé Ganesa, Fourth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by TPM (2,438 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4107518/1/Ros_Ganesa_Fourth_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 25). “Aimeé Lecosse, First Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,360 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132342/1/Aime_Lecosse_First_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 26). “Justé Talant, Second Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,”
a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,029 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4131732/1/Just_Talant_Second_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 27). “Aviné Bakrin, Eighth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,819 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4131729/1/Avin_Bakrin_Eighth_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 28). “Tioné Skyon, Ninth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,809 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4131724/1/Tion_Skyon_Ninth_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 29). “Aideé Gardia, Seventh Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,772 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4131720/1/Aide_Gardia_Seventh_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 30). “Etté Zirach, Sixth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,330 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132345/1/Ett_Zirach_Sixth_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 31). “Emmé Harwood, Second Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,620 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132415/1/Emm_Harwood_Second_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 32). “Betté Steadhart, Ninth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,413 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132418/1/Bett_Steadhart_9th_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 33). “Ellessé Veganis, Third Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,408 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132419/1/Elless_Veganis_3rd_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 34). “Anadé Boranys, Fifth Handmaiden in the Third Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,340 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4132422/1/Anad_Boranys_Fifth_Handmaiden_in_the_Third_Class 35). “Shelanné Glenn, Fifth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (2,422 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4149343/1/Shelann_Glenn_5th_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 36). “Dané Cashillé, Sixth Handmaiden in the Second Class for Padmé Amidala,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame basically covered by TPM and then some (5,334 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4149349/1/Dan_Cashille_Sixth_Handmaiden_in_the_Second_Class 37). “Only a Dream?” a short story set a few years before the start of the Clone Wars (2,737 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4026312/1/Only_a_Dream 38). “Mon Mothma of Chandrila: Democracy’s Loyal Servant,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a good deal of the time frame covered by the prequel era following her election as Senator (9,320 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075210/1/Mon_Mothma_of_Chandrila_Democracys_Loyal_Servant 39). “Alessya Lustena Retrac Organa: Never to Willfully, Knowingly Do Harm . . . ” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (3,722 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293051/1/Alessya_Lustena_Retrac_Organa_Never_to_Cause_Harm 40). “Aracaelia ‘Celly’ Ylessia Retrac Organa: Not a Hypochondriac, Just Force-Sensitive and Rather Telepathic, Thanks All the Same!” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (3,540 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293068/1/Aracaelia_Celly_Ylessia_Retrac_Organa 41). “Ruaighne ‘Rouge’ Macanna Retrac Organa: Using Fashion as a Shield/Weapon Since 6 BNA!” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (2,927 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293064/1/Ruaighne_Rouge_Macanna_Retrac_Organa 42). “Adrastia ‘Tia’ Zethrina Retrac Organa: Firm Believer that Pittins Have Feelings, Too!” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (2,984 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293063/1/Adrastia_Tia_Zethrina_Retrac_Organa_Pittins_Feel 43). “Alaina Myzunia Organa Antilles: The Unexpected Queen,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (2,866 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293059/1/Alaina_Myzunia_Organa_Antilles_Unexpected_Queen 44). “Raymus Kayos Antilles: From a Piloting Captain to a Crown Prince,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (3,056 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4293055/1/Raymus_Kayos_Antilles_From_Captain_to_Crown_Prince 45). “Suffering in Chains: Breha Antilles Organa,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time frame covered by the prequel era (4,979 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4050716/1/Suffering_in_Chains_Breha_Antilles_Organa 46). “Bail Prestor Organa: Reluctant Heir to the Alderaanian Throne and Eager Apprentice to the New Jedi Bendu Order” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life (through TtRotS) (10,549 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5081976/1/Bail_Prestor_Organa_Reluctant_Heir_to_the_Throne 47. “Yannis Kitsou Dooku: Jedi Master Extraordinaire, Count Dooku of Serenno, and (Briefly, Due to a Minor Fit of Grief-Induced Insanity) Darth Tyranus of the Sith” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life (through TtRotS) (16,000 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4307880/1/Yannis_Kitsou_Dooku_Jedi_Count_&_Darth_Tyranus 48). “Qui-Gon Jinn: Jedi Maverick and Screw-Up Extraordinaire,” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for a little bit more of the time frame covered by the prequel era (14,352 words long, according to fanfiction.net) UPDATED extensively since originally posted!
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075197/1/QuiGon_Jinn_Jedi_Maverick_&_ScrewUp_Extraordinaire 49). “Yoda of the People: When Over One Thousand Years Old You Are, Made Some Mistakes You Will Have, Too!” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life (through TtRotS) (8,929 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5087564/1/Yoda_of_the_People_When_Over_One_Thousand_Years_O 50). “Xanatos Áediah Valdís Adi-Ai-Aiji: Former Padawan Apprentice of Qui-Gon Jinn and Alleged Fallen, Dark Jedi; Current Missing Piece to a Very Important Puzzle” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life in the first two of his bodies and as a disembodied spirit trapped in a prison for wandering psyches (36,690 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5185469/1/Xanatos_Aediah_Valdis_AdiAiAiji_Former_Padawan 51). “Garen Ídan Muln: Second of the Fearsome Foursome and Willing Shadow of Obi-Wan Kenobi” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life (through TtRotS) (15,461 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4321713/1/Garen_dan_Muln_2nd_of_the_Fearsome_Foursome_& 52). “Reeft Tallik Yjana of Clan Heron-Catcher: Third and Eldest of the Fearsome Foursome, Though Youngest at Heart” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his life (through TtRotS) (5,451 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5084036/1/Reeft_Tallik_Yjana_of_Clan_HeronCatcher_Third 53). “Bant Eerin of Gam Quanda, Last But Surely Not Least of the Fearsome Foursome” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through TtRotS) (4,832 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5085551/1/Bant_Eerin_of_Gam_Quanda_Last_But_Surely_Not_Leas 54). “Jedi Knight Siriana ‘Siri’ Tachi, Or Karayen Arœna Kelbek Namidka: A Woman Owned By No Being” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (through to her death, during the Clone Wars) (19,717 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5102611/1/Jedi_Knight_Siriana_Siri_Tachi_Or_Karayen_Arna 55). “Darra Shandai Mijana Thel-Tanis: An Unheroic Sacrificial Offering” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by her life (9,372 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5287369/1/Darra_Shandai_Mijana_ThelTanis_An_Unheroic_Sacr 56). “Tru Braith Akanksha Veld: An Oddity Even Among Jedi” a sort of short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by his/her life (through TtRotS) (11,575 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6394324/1/Tru_Braith_Akanksha_Veld_An_Oddity_Even_Among_Jed 57). “Xekyprius ‘Kyp’ Amortrian Durron: Much More Than Just Another Pretty Face” a sort of (still wildly speculative, at this point) short story/character sketch for the individual in question for the time frame covered by approximately the first two decades of his life (24,938 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5041782/1/Xekyprius_Kyp_Amortrian_Durron_Much_More_Than *I have tried very hard to group works so that there is some internal flow to the way the various story threads weave together and so that some of the different stories can hopefully enrich/inform/add to each other. There are inherent limitations to a linear list like this, though, and readers should be aware that, for example, just because Bail's story is listed in between Breha'a and Dooku's character sketches, that doesn't mean it wouldn't benefit from being read alongside Xanatos' character study piece. Also, there are certain character study pieces that will make more sense in the spaces they've been slotted into either when stories for other characters have been written or else when certain truths become evident about those characters later on in the series.
Author's Note #1: Readers should please note that another of my listed SW works, “Dormé in Darkness,” a different sort of AU short story/character sketch for the individual in question for most of the time surrounding the Clone Wars (4,805 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4011911/1/Dorm_in_Darkness does not fit within the scope of my AU SW series You Became to Me. It is, in fact, a deliberately AU take on my own AU's version of Dormé Tammesin - in other words, an AU version of the character in that AU series. It was a joy to write (I finished it in about two-three hours of nonstop writing one evening), but it is not consistent with the 'verse of You Became to Me (as anything other than a branching in the timeline that was once possible, if certain points of divergence had come to fruitation, but instead of becoming a reality was rendered obsolete by the outcome of specific events).
Author's Note #2: Readers should please note that another of my listed SW works, Becoming Love: I, In You: The Rise of the Clone Wars (which, although not yet finished - I seem to have had difficulty getting the longer works completed anywhere outside of my head, the past couple of years, but I do hope to eventually rectify that matter, hopefully in the coming year, when the next NaNo project has been finished - is currently 159,448 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4328583/1/Becoming_Love_I_In_You_Rise_of_the_Clone_Wars also does not fit within the scope of my AU SW series You Became to Me. It is, in fact, what I've written so far for the first work in a (largely still only projected) completely separate SW AU series, Becoming Love: I, In You. The story is technically a deliberate AU of my AU series You Became to Me, but (given that I've yet to write that part of the You Became to Me AU series that is almost wholly congruent with the backstory of The Rise of the Clone Wars - i.e., since I haven't done my own AU version of The Phantom Menace in anything other than outline form) so far it can be read simply as an AU version of Attack of the Clones that is both Dormékin (Dormé/Anakin) and Sobidala (Sabé/Obi-Wan/Padmé Amidala) in nature. At some point or another, that work will be finished and, depending on how I like it, I may or may not pursue the potential for a whole other divergent AU series further. Please note that readers who are interested in following this specific series, as it diverges from the You Became to Me series, may want to follow an ongoing post I keep on my LJ devoted to the clothing worn by the various characters and sketches of the characters (as created by extremely talented artists who are most assuredly not me, since I honestly can't draw all that well), "Links to pictures/illustrations for the Dormékin story," at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/136333.html (if for no other reason than to look at the pretty pictures and imagine folks like Dormé and Sabé in some truly stunning gowns)! Also, please note that, at some point, I am going to get around to writing that AU version of The Phantom Menace, and, when I do, I honestly think I am going to end up with two versions with two slightly different endings, one for the You Became to Me AU 'verse and another for this Becoming Love: I, In You: 'verse. When that happens, I'll be sure to post the two different versions separately, so that folks won't get the one AU version crossed with the other!
Author's Note #3:Readers should also please note that yet another of my listed SW works, Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star (100,341 words long, according to fanfiction.net)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4633912/1/Love_Ignites_the_Galaxy_Star_by_Star does not fit within the scope of my AU SW series You Became to Me either. It is, in fact, the first work in a (largely still only projected) completely separate SW AU series, The Rebirth of the New Jedi Order. Though the story and therefore the series begins in the Legacy of the Force EU timeline, it doubles back to the time covered by the EU novel Star by Star in The New Jedi Order series. This series is essentially meant to be an AU series set during the second half of the NJO EU series and is therefore much closer to the current EU than You Became to Me will ever be. I have several works outlined (briefly) for this series, but odds are that not a lot of work is going to be done for it any time soon, considering how many other projects I'm currently trying to juggle and how utterly unfond/unimpressed I am of the EU from apprxomately The New Jedi Order series onwards.
Author's Note #4: Readers should note that I actually do have another novel-length story in the works that does belong to the You Became to Me 'verse, which I really and truly do hope to get finished enough to post sometime fairly early on next year (after I'm done enough with this year's NaNo to go ahead and post it). Serenity: Dreaming a Brave New 'Verse was originally conceived as a way not only of exploring Asajj Ventress' character and her search for redemption, after leaving the Clone Wars and the conflict between Jedi and Sith (Republic and Separatist) behind, but to tie together the GFFA as it's generally thought of and the 'verse that's usually thought of as being that of Joss Whedon's Firefly/Serenity and to help pave the way for certain revelations regarding the existence of humans in the GFFA, the nature of the Force, and the nature and powers of certain entities of the Force, including those known as Force spirits and Force ghosts. I currently have roughly 300,000 words plus written of this story and gauge it to be maybe three-fifths to two-thirds of the way completed. Unfortunately, I can't really post it anywhere because my River muse was possessing me when I went to plan out this story and so it's not just one linear tale but rather about four different intertwined and closely related yet different tales (that of the ship's crew/passengers in general, after taking on the Tams; that of River Tam; that of Asajj Ventress' quest for redemption and her decision to join the mission to Miranda; and that of Mal and his family of ship's crew/passengers, as they attempt to deal with the Operative, with River's programming, with Asajj Ventress, and with the truth of Miranda), only two of which are really all that linear. I began writing this as my NaNo project last year, thinking I would take the novelization of the Big Damn Movie (Serenity, by Keith R. A. Decandido) as my starting point and go from there, starting roughly halfway through the story and altering it to make room for Asajj and her people. Instead, what I've got is an absolute mess of an obviously not done story with an ambitious structure that won't really hold until the whole thing is basically done, at which point it should read something like this:
Preface: Falling into Darkness
Prologue: Falling into Light
Introduction: River, The Well-Tempered
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 1: Mists
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 1: Reunion
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 2: Dancers of Delphi
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 3: Dead Leaves
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 2: Presentiment of Death
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 4: Veils/Sails
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 5: The Wine Gate
Intermezzo: As Might Have Been
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 6: The Wind in the Plain
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 7: “Fairies Are Exquisite Dancers”
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 3: Thou Art So like a Flower
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 8: The Sounds and Fragrances Swirl Through the Evening Air
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 9: Heather
Sainete: The Mathematics of Jayne Cobb
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 10: The Hills of Anacapri
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 11: Général Lavine (Dans le style et le movement d’un Cakewalk)
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 4: Suffocation
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 12: Footsteps in the Snow
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 13: The Terrace of Moonlit Audiences
Sinfonia: Firefly
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 14: What the West Wind Has Seen
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 15: Undine
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 5: Uncertainty
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 16: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 6: Tolling Bells
Solo: What One Wishes Will One Day Be
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 7: The Polish Dancer
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 8: Desperation
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 17: Homage to S. Pickwick
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 9: Vision
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 10: The Night Moth
Entrémes: Infusing Serenity
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 11: The Dragonfly
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 12: The Duel
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 18: Interrupted Serenade
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 13: Loss
Furniture Music: Just an Object
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 14: Fear
Assolo: Khamsin
Partita: Breaking of Locks
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 15: Raindrop
Divertimento: Escape Velocity
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 16: Hades
Sherzo: True Love
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 19: Canopic Jar
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 17: A Scene on the Place do Notre-Dame de Paris
Interlude: Beautiful Girl
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 18: Suicide
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 20: The Engulfed Cathedral
Entr’act: Love’s Leap
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 21: Alternating Thirds
Tonadilla: Reconsidering Jayne Cobb
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 19: Heartfelt Happiness
Intermedio: Harmonies of the Stars
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 20: Funeral March
Serenade: Claiming Serenity
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 21: Sunday
Concerto: Kaywinnit “Kaylee” Frye
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 22: Puck’s Dance
Cassation: Dreaming in Seasons
Cadenza: About the Girl
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 23: Fireworks
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 22: Impatience
Duet: Catching the Wind
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 23: A Pleasure Boat
Zarzuela: Slink Is Preferable
Étude: Understanding Serenity
Sonata Fantasia: Serenity Suite: Prélude No. 24: Minstrels
Movement: Signs of Life Beginning
Overture: A Kill Order
Toccatas and Fugues: River Suite (God, Do Not Make of Me a Sword: Make Me a Stone): Prelude No. 24: The Storm
Symphony: Serenity’s Family
Coda: I'll Take Him Home
Epilogue: Making New
Outro: Watch Us Soar
Afterword: Tell Me a Story . . .
The thing is, I've mostly got all of my story bits and then some for the non-chaptered pieces (the Chopin-inspired Preludes and the Debussy inspired Préludes and so on) done if not precisely entirely ordered/divided up the way I'm sure I want them to be, but my chapters? Are essentially not written yet past about chapter three, which makes trying to post anything essentially impossible. Plus, I'm still iffy about the extra piece at the end that doesn't quite follow the flow of the story (because when I was arranging things initially, I accidentally dropped a Prelude and then had to go back and add it in, which bumped something else I'd already come to think of as a distinctly different discrete section in need of its own header and non-chaptered status). I can't decide if the break in pattern works as a potential lead in to further works or if I need to smush two things together somehow to preserve the pattern of six non-chaptered pieces to either side of every chapter. So. One of these days I'll finish the chapters and stop fiddling with the bits and pieces of story that go with Serenity's crew and with River. But until then just please be aware that, while this story does actually exist, it is not yet in a written form that's complete enough to be ready to be shared with others!
Author's Note #5: For the purposes of my SW AU series, I've been given permission by
cariel both to refer to some of the details of her AU SW Dormékin works and to use the names that she came up with for the children that Anakin and Dormé and that Obi-Wan and Sabé have together in her various AU SW Dormékin and Sobiwan works, including those works co-written by
bloodraven77 (who, as I've been recently informed, is largely resposible for the initial creation of Sabé Nabish and is the voice of Anakin Skywalker in all of the Dormékin AUs that were co-written by her and
cariel). Readers familiar with these works will notice that the names and details are all somewhat skewed and, prior to the outbreak of the actual Clone Wars, generally also much darker, overall, in my work (especially when it comes to Dormé's past and to her mother's past). Please, consider all that the result of viewing what could have been, according to some of the various possible branchings of time's probable courses, through the lens of a far different reality than the alternate realities
cariel and
bloodraven77 write within. (The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and quantum indeterminacy would, I think, tend to require that the butterfly effect compound itself in such a case.) I've got an actual itemized version of the basic differences in the lives of Dormé and Sabé based on what I know about how they grew up in my AU (in both of my SW AU series with them, actually, since the Dormé and Sabé of You Became to Me are essentially the Dormé and Sabé of the Becoming Love: I, In You: 'verse, at least as pertains to their basic backgrounds) and how I generally recall them growing up in
cariel's and
bloodraven77's) AUs, if anybody's interested, over at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/97633.html but please keep in mind that I'm not an expert, as I can't claim to have read all of
cariel and
bloodraven77's works (or the various works that other authors have written within the 'verses of some of their AUs), though it was through
cariel that I pretty much first became aware of the existence of both the fandom ships and rationals supporting the ships of Obi-Wan/Sabé (Sobiwan) and Anakin/Dormé (Dormékin).
Author's Note #6: Readers really should note that my grasp of the character of Padmé Amidala underwent an enormous evolution during the process of writing the Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith trio, and that at least part of the final stages of this evolution was inpsired/influenced by my discovery of one of the first truly sympathetic portrayals of Padmé as a consistently strong and yet immensely human character I'd ever really come across in the entire SW fandom: the Padmé Amidala Naberrie Kenobi of
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7's wonderful ongoing AU series One Path (which is essentially an AU rewrite of the timeframe covered by the six-film saga), a combination of fanfic, vids, and icons/manips that can be found, for interested parties, at
shipper_asylum. It wasn't until after I began to read and watch this superb AU 'verse that I truly felt as if I had a complete grasp on both Padmé's full potential as a character and the true depth of her tragedy (as opposed to Anakin's tragedy and the galaxy's tragedy), in both the films and my own AU work, and it was at this point that I went from being a writer who'd started out frankly feeling so let down by her character as to wholly despise her within the context of the canon and yet who'd nonetheless gradually come (in the process of writing first her death and then her unflinchingly courageous and selfless reaction to her death) to feel as if her character had perhaps been badly used by both the Sith and certain circumstances and events and so was at least somewhat worthy of sympathy, to being a writer who not only felt sorry for but truly liked and so mourned the passing of Padmé's character within the context of my story. This would never have happened without the insights into Padmé's potential as a character, as provided by
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7, and I can assure you, dear readers, that the plans I have in mind for the character I will, for now, simply refer to as the aftermath of Padmé-in-Sola, would also never have come about, if not for the discussions I've had with
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7 about the truly wondrous AU they've created and their ideas about how some things in the GFFA work. Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith: Book III: The Promise of a New Order would be far different than it is and far less than it is, if not for the insight and ideas and new direction afford by my contact with One Path and my many friendly discussions on various SW-related topics with
so-out-of-ideas and
aruna7, folks! So I encourage everyone to go and familiarize themselves with that lovely 'verse!
Author's Note #7: Readers should be aware of the fact that the notion that Qui-Gon Jinn is a near-human - as referenced in “Shmi Maakaruna Skywalker Lars: Dreaming Flowers Raining in the Desert” and “Yannis Kitsou Dooku: Jedi Master Extraordinaire, Count Dooku of Serenno, and (Briefly, Due to a Minor Fit of Grief-Induced Insanity) Darth Tyranus of the Sith” and edited in to “Qui-Gon Jinn: Jedi Maverick and Screw-Up Extraordinaire” - is inspired in part by my reading of
quigonejinn’s lovely SW fanfic (the first fanfic ever where I came across the notion that Qui-Gon might be near-human, rather than human norm) “Slow Down My Love; You’re Confusing Me” (as well as other SW stories by this author), which can be found at
http://quigonejinn.livejournal.com/13708.html for those who are curious! The near-human variant I’ve chosen for my Qui-Gon is physically quite different than
quigonejinn’s, but I’m not sure I would have arrived at the notion of making him near-human in my own work at all if I hadn’t read such a memorable story in which he’d specifically been written as near-human. I am providing this information and a link to the story here with the author’s generous permission! Additionally, for readers trying to keep up with the most current versions of my stories, please be aware that my story for Qui-Gon underwent some rather extensive expansion, quite awhile after it had originally first been posted, to reflect the information about him I found myself writing down in Shmi’s story, as I actually hadn’t been aware at the time that I wrote my first complete draft of “Qui-Gon Jinn: Jedi Maverick and Screw-Up Extraordinaire” that the silly man was near-human, instead of human norm!
Otherwise, if anyone is confused by the plethora of titles for certain works, please keep the following in mind:
1). You Became to Me is the name I've given to my overall main SW AU series, much as the EU authors called the overall series involving the Yuuzhan Vong War The New Jedi Order. Readers should note that this was originally the working title for a WiP that eventually became my Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith trio, after that work had been finished and edited! Similarly, Becoming Love: I, In You: is the name I've given to an AU series offshoot of my main AU SW series (i.e., You Became to Me). This series is mostly still in the planning and conjectural stage, but eventually it will have at least two full novel-length works, including an AU version of Attack of the Clones (currently in the process of being written/typed up, currently known as The Rise of the Clone Wars) and an AU version of The Phantom Menace (as yet unnamed and not yet out of the outlining stages, mostly due to the fact that a great deal of it is intended to closely shadow the as yet unwritten AU version of The Phantom Menace for You Became to Me). (I may or may not ever get around to much of anything past that point, unfortunately, given the limited amount of time I seem to have to write, due to my real world job, anymore!)
2). Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith is a subtitle specific to a completed trio (roughly 1,084,704 words total in length) within the larger AU series of You Became to Me (like the Agents of Chaos subtitle is specific to that duology within the larger New Jedi Order series).
3). Individual titles for novel-length works are either listed following the subtitle specific to the trio (or duo or otherwise, as will likely become the case with later works) or else alone, as with the (roughly 133,554 words in length) So Much for Outbound Flight story.
Anyone at all curious about the plans I have for this ridiculously huge and sprawling epic series (or any of the other SW AU series I've been dabbling in) should feel free to either respond here or to send me an email at the address listed on my user information page! Odds are, stories that will be worked on in the (relatively) near future (that will need to go on this list) will include the following:
two different versions of a short story/character sketch for Ferus Olin (who, in my mind, is a very different person from the supposedly heroic/self-sacrificing/long-suffering character written in the EU), one for the You Became to Me 'verse and a much darker one for the 'verse of the upcoming (2010) NaNo project; the rest of Becoming Love: I, In You's The Rise of the Clone Wars novel; a short story/character sketch for Mace Windu; a short story/character sketch for Depa Billaba; possibly a short story/character sketch for Gaeriel Captison (since she's been tickling at the back of my head since I edited and posted the piece on Kyp); maybe a short story/character sketch for Master Ry-Gaul; possibly a short story/character sketch for Quinlan Vos; probably some more short story/character sketches for other of the handmaidens from the period of time covered from TPM to AotC (and not just for Amidala, either!); possibly a short story/character sketch for Queen Jamillia; possibly a short story/character sketch for Queen Apailana; very likely something or another to try to explain that damned ridiculously improbable Queen Neeyutnee of Naboo (who, according to the new Clone Wars animated series, is supposed to have ruled Naboo for approximately half of what, by previously established canon law, should've been Queen Jamillia's first and only elected term); possibly a short story/character sketch for Dormé's little sister, Yseultai Tammesin; the rest of the Big Damn Crossover, as begun for last year's (2009) NaNo project (which isn't really a crossover at all, surprisingly enough, since, as I've said before, I've concluded that, given overlap in the professional 'verses for SW, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, and Joss Whedon's Firefly/Serenity 'verse, it's entirely fair for the fans to write as if those 'verses somehow or another all overlap in some way, too, and that's what I'm aim to do with the story), wherein Asajj Ventress shows up in the midst of the Big Damn Movie (that'd be Serenity, for those as are unfamiliar with the film and its novelization) and . . . interesting things follow; and the basic AU for TPM (which, as noted above, will at some point end up being two AUs with slightly different endings). Readers should also not be too terribly surprised if I go absolutely insane and write that story about Jacen's not so very imaginary little friend, Jynsin, even though it's even further into the future of my AU series than the story about Kyp and I'd have to be an absolute lunatic to try to write something that far down the timeline when I have so little idea about all of the details of the things that need to happen in between what I've written up to so far and that stretch of time . . .
PS: Readers who for whatever reason may want to avoid things more gen/het in tone may want to avoid the short stories/character sketches (though possibly only those that are not, specifically, about the handmaidens), as they tend to focus primarily on just one person (granted, sometimes with a romantic relationship of sorts or a triangular sort of slash/het and/or het/het entanglement lurking in the background) and rather necessarily are light on both intricate action/plot/dialogue and any kind of in-depth exploration of the relationships in that individual's life!
When I first started posting this kind of updated list, I thought that I would (probably) have enough time to eventually basically (with some minor variation)crosspost the updates to the following communities:
ewan_hayden, and
allfandomfics. I also thought I would be able to make bbreviated mention of the crosspost, as necessary, at:
swhandmaidens, and also the SW community dedicated to Bail Organa and House Organa,
houseoforgana. However, I now know that even if the days were twice as long as they are I would never get around to doing all of that, so hopefully if anyone at those communities is still trying to follow what I write the update on the community that gathers links for all the new Star Wars fandom creations will pick up the new fic, instead.
PPS: Readers at all interested in casting choices for EU and original characters, the rationale for Nabooian names, background for handmaidens, and the casting choices specifically for handmaidens, etc., should please reference the following posts (which are currently the most up-to-date versions of such lists and explanations):
1). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part one, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/100200.html2). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part two, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/100519.html3). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part three, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/111485.html4). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part four, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/140183.html 5). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part five, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/141147.html6). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part six, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/144796.html7). My reupdated cast of SW characters (EU, original, and otherwise), part six, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/157091.html8). My revamped list of handmaiden characters cast and other notable Nabooians, part one, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/100849.html9). My revamped list of handmaiden characters cast and other notable Nabooians, part two, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/110413.html10). My list of handmaidens for Padmé Amidala by classes, circa AotC (as compiled for the AU version of both AotC, Becoming Love: I, In You: The Rise of the Clone Wars, and for my AU series You Became to Me)
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/129244.html11). My post on differences between Sabé Dahn and Dormé Tammesin and Sabé Nabish and Dormé Jaffa of
cariel's AUs (and
cariel and
bloodraven77's AUs, as well as other works in their AUs written by other authors), at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/97633.html12). My rules for traditional Nabooian naming practices (as they currently stand), at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/106978.html13). My brief post regarding names in SW (that basically contains my first attempt at coming up with a Nabooian regnal name for Sabé), at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/93959.html14). My brief post/rant regarding the supposed new Queen of Naboo who's been shoehorned in between the canon Queens Jamillia and Apailana by the new animated tv series The Clone Wars and its accompanying web-comic, at