Title: “Tru Braith Akanksha Veld: An Oddity Even Among Jedi”
Pairing: Tru’s relationship with Ferus Olin is . . . complex, complicated by the fact that the two never speak openly of the true depth of their emotions and attachment for each other prior to Ferus being cast out of the Order.
Rating: Erhm, I guess PG-13ish occasionally sliding into hard R territory, probably (?) . . . Some folks might be a wee bit disturbed by some things that are in this story
(fully functional hermaphroditism via gender morphing; reckless behavior due to rapid regeneration; reference to sex between minors and to sex between a minor and adults; attempted murder via drowning; suicide mistaken for murder; a strange, largely unconsciously wielded Force talent that combines aspects of mind trickery and subjugation/domination of the will with a spectrum of closely related offensive and defensive talents known to the Sith as Force drain - largely based on the ability to sap energy and/or the life-force from other beings, creatures, and even places - that essentially allows Ferus Olin both to mentally/emotionally manipulate many of those around him in such a way as to make them want to love and obey him and to increase his own power at the expense of the energy and strength of his allies/followers and those in close proximity to him; violence and imagined violence; warfare; etc.), so it might be safer to assume that this is R-rated, for some folks!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Star Wars, more’s the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up and leave me alone . . .
Summary: This is sixty random but essentially chronological moments from the life of Teevan Jedi Knight Tru Braith Akanksha Veld
, Ferus Olin’s closest friend (while Ferus was still in the Jedi Order) and an agemate of Anakin Skywalker’s. There is an actual story here - one small thread among the vast woven tapestry of life that is the living history of the galaxy, stretched out and twisted, knotted into the whole, curled down among the roots of time, connecting various moments together - but one must read between the lines to capture it. It is not precisely the truth, for the subtle story of these moments is sketched out here in words, and, in the sin of writing down a life, it inevitably changes the shape of things. But it is nevertheless a form of truth. (From a certain point of view . . . )
Warning: This story functions as a sort of compressed codex for Tru’s life, as the Teevan has been written (or at least referred to) and is going to be written in my not even nearly complete AU Star Wars series You Became to Me. If anything doesn’t make sense, please, feel free to ask! There are some things I can’t elaborate on much more, for fear of at least partially spoiling some stories still in the works, but I realize that such a radical retelling of some parts of EU history could be somewhat confusing, so I invite questions from readers who’re puzzled and/or curious!
Author’s Notes:
1). For anyone interested, this not-quite-a-story is compatible with my SW AU series You Became to Me, including the trilogy Thwarting the Revenge of the Sith, if you squint at a few things sideways and view a couple others solely through the lens of Tru’s (admittedly not always the most reliable or unclouded) eyes. 2). Although this is based on a prompt set that I borrowed from somewhere or another on the LJ (I really don’t recall from where anymore, precisely, though if someone would like to set the record straight, I’ll add the info and a link to the community in question here in my notes), it’s not really meant to function as a response to whatever the challenge actually is that’s associated with said LJ prompt set. I just used the specific prompts to give me a reason to string together a backstory of sorts for Tru. 3). Readers interested in knowing who the physical models are for EU characters, like Tru, Ferus, Darra, Master Ry-Gaul, and etc., or for original characters, like Jedi Knight Nemaria Tennyai, for that matter, should please consult the latest versions of my posted lists of cast original and EU characters and for handmaid(en)s and other important Nabooian characters, which are all available on my LJ! Please note that characters who may be alluded to but not referenced by name (minor original characters and certain family members of original or even EU characters, for example) are considered too minor to be cast at this time, and that readers should feel free to imagine them howsoever they wish (within reason, given their genetic backgrounds)! 4). Readers should please note that Tru’s identity as a (fully functional by means of controllable gender transmutation) hermaphroditic Teevan is mostly an original invention, as the creator of this particular EU character (Jude Watson) presents Tru as a Teevan but doesn’t elaborate much on what it might mean to be a Teevan and, thus, near-human. The notion that there are five distinctly different gender types for Teevans (and that Tru might be a hermaphrodite gifted with rapid regeneration) is solely my own idea, conceived mainly as a way to justify the “near” in near-human and to try to explain why Teevans might have more cartilage and fewer bones in their bodies than human norms do. 5). The group project “poem” Darra, Ferus, and Tru write will be included at the back of this piece, as it will with the stories I intend to write for Ferus and for Tru. Certain lines may sound familiar to readers, as they are taken from certain modern and contemporary pieces, to give the “joke” authenticity.
“Tru Braith Akanksha Veld: An Oddity Even Among Jedi”
I hope to get this actually up on the LJ at some point, but for now, the story is currently up and can be found here: