Some good news!

Aug 27, 2009 17:17

Okay, so I'm not supposed to be using my hands too much until the right one heals, but I'm so excited I just have to post this! I got a new job. It's still at the Census Bureau, still at that stupid location away from the main campus, on Patrol Road, but it's in the back of the building where they have desks and real chairs and computers and I'm going to get paid more (I've jumped almost a whole grade, minus one step!) to act as a supply clerk, basically, keeping track of inventory coming in and (I think also, though I'm not entirely sure yet) going out. I start this coming Monday and I'm so darn happy I could just about bust! The only thing that could've been better would've been to've gotten a job I'd bid on at the main campus. But hey, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth! No more having to worry about tearing my hands up and being so physically worn out I'm too tired to do anything when I get home! I may actually get some work on my SW stuff done in the foreseeable future after all!!!
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