Title: Hope 98/100
Author: Polgara
Rating: PG
TtH Prompt: #93 Future
Fandom/Theme: Buffy/Stargate SG-1
Wordcount: 210
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here. They belong to their respective creators and production companies.
Distribution: My site - Worlds of Possibilities, ff.net, Wormhole Crossing, and TtH.
Spoilers: Takes place in season nine of SG-1, so definitely new characters and situations. Plus anything before is fair game. Everything of Buffy is fair game.
A/N: This was written for the tth100. Hopefully, all of these entries will be loosely linked together.
Series: Buffygate
Summary: A calm winter day.
Cameron closed his eyes in contentment as he rested his chin on top of Buffy’s head. They were sprawled out on his sofa and she was situated between his legs. A cheery fire crackled in the fireplace as they relaxed from dinner.
“Do you think we’ll be doing this forever?” She asked, lacing their fingers together.
“I hope so,” he said, holding her a little closer. A small smile creased his face at the thought of them together forever.
“I didn’t mean this, although that would be nice,” she said. “I meant fighting every time we go through the gate. Do you think that’s all the future holds?”
“Maybe, maybe not,” he said with a sigh. The last mission had been unusually brutal. He unconsciously ran his fingers lightly over her arm where she had been singed from an energy blast. In fact, they had ended up in a firefight the last three times through the gate. “Even when we defeat the Ori, there will always be a bad guy trying to take control, like the Lucien Alliance tried just after the fall of the Goa’uld. But I like to think it’ll get better.”
“Good,” she said softly, closing her eyes. “As long as one of us has hope.”