1...2...3 -- ya know what, screw 10.

Feb 09, 2008 10:26

I went to bed at seven.

At 10:15 some freaking Jehova Witness pounded on my door.

Thank you for just ruining my already precarious sleep schedule!

You would think that in a town where more than half the people are employed by the prison, where half the prisons are twelve hour shifts that include a six p.m to six a.m nightshift they would realize that the odds of finding nightshift people are substantially HUGE.  In our duplex alone, two out of four people are on a fucking night shift !

I wish I could say that I got up out of bed and gave them a little talk about how I felt about that but I just wanted to go back to sleep.  But after they pounded on our neighbour's door and their loud heels equipped with ultra tappings to make them even louder than necessary moseyed off to bugger the folks across the yard, I realized that I wouldn't be getting back to sleep any time soon.

Way to go....

you know what.  I'm not even going to finish that sentence but imagine every imaginable swear word and variants thereof as a description of these two fine .... ladies.  Yeah imagine that as something else too.

I was having a crazy weird dream about Neil Gaiman too -- we were at a weird ass carnvial with funky music and things (I imagine this was inspired by the star trek episode I watched yesterday -- it was about a clown that represented fear basically...quite well done, was impressed).  Anyway, the Grandparents appeared.  At the end, after I had seen Neil Gaiman spaz out about something, I tried to climb the stairs to go back to the car, but my boots kept slipping and my grandmother (the one on my mom's side) stood behind me and said, "You can do it, you can do it!"  I guess the stairs flattened up which left me in an unpleasant situation.

When I was almost at the top, I clutched the banister rail because my legs were about to give out, but that didn't help much as I tumbled down the what-had-been-stairs anyway.

She just smiled at me and pointed to another hallway that had wide, shallow steps that wouldn't change into a flat slide going up.

"There are stairs here, darling!"  Big smile on her face.

The first knock pulled me out of the dream.  I woke in a cold sweat.

wtf, dreams

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