(no subject)

Oct 16, 2010 15:52

While I was walking home from the gas station, a nice cup of hot coffee in my hand, I passed by a truck waiting for a red light to turn green.

They said something or whistled -- I'm not sure. But it broke through my trance and of course I ended up looking at them. And of course they looked like guys who go to college to party, booze, meet chicks, and then drunkenly impregnate them because they're too cool for condoms.

Because I couldn't distinguish what they said, my brain automatically mapped out a flow chart. They probably weren't even addressing me because guys don't ever notice me. However, if they had, then they would probably say something else if they were going my way in which case I had to be prepared.

My body is ridiculously jumpy. You know in tense, suspenseful movies you have The Noise that is usually something as innocuous as a fork falling to the ground, but the whole audience jumps anyway? Well, even when I know that fork is going to fall and make that noise, my body insists on jumping. I just can't control it.

So I steeled myself. And tried to look like I wasn't noticing them at the same time.

And when they drove by me (after their light turned green), the dude in the passenger seat screamed at me.

Like a girl.

(And yes, I totally jumped...it was frustrating.)

I'm not really sure what the purpose of it was...but okay. Douchery achieved, none-the-less.

And then I lazily gave them the finger. I had considered not giving it to them because I didn't want them to think they had gotten under my skin - even though they totally had -- but, at the same time, those piffle-heads were jerks. And it is wearisome being the bigger person all the time, especially when it appears to be too much to ask that nice guys notice me (I attract very few males in my direction, but every single one has been a creeper of some sort -- in fact, it's gotten so bad with a particular one that I am extremely hesitant to even go to the movies by myself because my discomfort levels sky rocket and for some reason I keep running into him there...awkward).

I think it was the scream that tipped the balance towards response instead of inaction. If they had said /something/ or even just honked their horn I probably would have just ignored them. But a scream? Really?

The mind. It boggles.
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