Frabjous Day.

Oct 07, 2010 22:19

I woke up at six, but then fell back asleep for an hour and fifteen minutes. I dashed off a breakfast of oatmeal, threw on some clothes, and drove to class and cursed at all the idiots on the road, infectious little bugger - Crowley really was onto something.

But during the entirety of school, I kept waiting for a call, one single call letting me know I got the job. I didn't get a call -- but I did get an email letting me know they already found someone else for the job. What wonderful news. Calloo. Callay. Let's put a bloody parade on the streets.

And when I brought Munchkin home - after finding out that he cowered under the bed at the neighbor's bed all day -- I brought him home, and, five minutes from home, smell such a pungent odor because Munchkin had one and wet himself -- the fur, the cat everything drenched in urine and I have to meet Lacy for Easy A in 30 minutes and it takes forever to get it cleaned up and he still smells like urine and the house smells like pee and everything is swirling down the toilet.

Sure the movie's funny, but only thing i can think about is how I yelled at Munchkin when I was trying to clean him up and how pitiful it he looked and how awful it must be to get two baths in one day (because on the way up he had thrown up in the catbox, and got that all over himself of course), and how I had to leave him all drenched and huddling so that I wouldn't miss the movie with Lacy and how irritated and frustrated and angry at him at this particular moment.

And when it's all over, there's the creepy guy from school trying to say hello and it's all I can do to avoid him with Lacy and then there's Munchking and what a horrible person I am. It's also 9:00 p.m when we say goodbye and I still haven't had dinner yet and the Subway is out of tomatoes but I'm going to have the sandwich today by god.

And Munchkin still smells. Everything smells. I don't know if it's my imagination or what. But of course Munchkin is already curling up on my blanket where I sleep with his stinky body and there are probably germs and everything what the bloody fuck.

Sod you, Universe. Sod you.
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