Plans for Tomorrow

Sep 29, 2010 21:54

1. Make my German fulfillment official with my dazzling signature! (I was having paranoid fantasies of failing a fourth german course, not receiving my degree, and being stuck in texas for the rest of my life).

2. Work on my poetry -- polish the one that was really well received, cobble together the rough drafts of the other two into something worth sharing, and work on my journal. Which I haven't been doing. Meant to start today but something wonky happened to my nonexistant sleep schedule? No idea what, other than I have a hard time getting any and even when I do, I still wake up half dead, only able to think semi-coherently (which is not as sweet as semi-sweet chocolate chips). I thought maybe I was overdoing the exercising a little (jogging in place + walking to school) so I only took a short walk today to try to re-oxygenate my brain (didn't work).

3. Work on my Christmas Story! The Oktober-fest of words instead of beer! Sorry, J, I've given myself the entire month + the handful of days in September still. :p

4. Walk to the pregnancy crisis center and see what the dealio with that is. They emailed me, but I still need to see them in person. Thinking about volunteering there on Mondays, 1:30 - 3:30.

5. I collected sources for my ten page research paper for my Victorian Lit class, but I need to get them from the library, and start writing down passages and stuff. Trying to narrow down my thesis statement into something compelling instead of something vaguely broad (I thought it was silly that the professor suggested we already have a thesis sentence -- I mean, shouldn't you have a topic, then research, then narrow down to a thesis?).

6. Continue studying for the GRE. I'm going to try to put up a new batch of words to continue the dragon story, but I'll probably be too tired, even though I'm taking the car to school instead of walking. Or maybe I will walk. I guess it depends on how tired I am when I wake up tomorrow.

7. The Valero that's a ten minute walk from my house is hiring. The responsible part of me is telling me that I need to apply there. The other part of me is saying that I'll probably discover that working at Walmart was purgatory while the Valero is the actual hell. And you don't even get the added bonus of saving the world while you're there. The other other part of me wants me to wait to see if my friend can get me a campus job, or to see if the drawing thing picks up, or to see if I can finagle my way into a paying job at the pregnancy crisis center.

So. Yeah.
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