Writing Assignment

Mar 29, 2010 12:23

Take a paragraph from the book. Look at the grammatical structure of the sentences. Create your own sentences on a topic of your choice using the grammatical structure of the paragraph.
We crossed the deserted parade ground together, dust devils spinning here and there. It was my fancy to think of the dust devils as the spooks of former cadets at the school, killed in war, returning now to whirl and dance on the parade ground alone, to dance in as unmilitary a fashion as they damn well pleased. (Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, page 191)

Aliens floated amidst gaseous plumes, ghosts drifting among the in-betweens and nowheres. It was their way to hover like the silver spaceships of the young earthlings in orbit, forgotten in life, circling the planet to watch and observe the boiling surface, to record data in computers like robots clothed in flesh.


Seeing the interelationship of words and structure and grammar is pretty interesting and complex - difficult to actually put the feeling into words.  And even though I copied Vonnegut's structure, our voices are entirely different.



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