Mutants & Life

Aug 07, 2008 17:08

Part 24: Jen

Just a basic reintroduction, I guess. This is mostly for Alice's benefit than furthering the story, which I think is stagnating. Issue 6 will change that I think. But I'm not sure if people will see it as unbelievable. But I kind of want to go there, just because I don't really want to. It's like a closed door.

I love my UPS man. Not in that way. But he always smiles and laughs.

And he brought me this.

Sounds pretty nifty, eh? The title is "Superman: Red Son."

From the introduction by Tom DeSanto:

Imagine Superman wasn't red, white, and blue...imagine Superman was red...Communist red? ... No longer Superman American icon, but Superman Soviet comrade -- needless to say, the premise is more than intriguing.

And that wins understatement of the day.

Here's more:

Millar was able to gaze into his Orwellian crystal ball and see Superman as the poster child for Big Brother. The all X-ray vision seeing, all super-hearing listening, all-knowing, all-powerful Big Brother. All-encompassing security, like a baby in a super blanket -- just one thing...don't think for yourself and don't challenge the system...just remember, Superman is watching you. But who's watching the watchmen?

Please join me as I say, Holy shit, I can't wait to read this.

On general principle, I tend to dislike Superman. But this just looked too intriguing to pass up. Speaking of Superman, I think the next Batman should be when he and Superman are fighting each other. Ken's told me some about that storyline and it generally makes me jump up and down whenever I think about it. I mean, Batman had Green Arrow shoot Superman with a kryptonite arrow. SLYTHERIN MUCH??? Hells yeah.

Speaking of Green Arrow in Smallville? Lois and Oliver make a frakking awesome couple and I'm very disgusted that the writers of the show had Clark dress up as said bandit just to throw Lois off the track.

Seriously... WHAT? And let's not even mention how Clark was blown away by Lois's kiss, or how he was a better kisser than Oliver.

Sometimes I just want to punch them in the nose. But then they put in arcs with the Green Arrow and little doodles with Flash and Cyborg, and that just kind of makes me want to hug them all over, even if the whole plot triangle with Lana, Lex, and maybe Lois is getting really really old. And stale. Possibly moldy?

Does C.K have a fetish with L names?

Oh, I'm so glad Jimmy Olson is in season 6. He's so cute with Chloe.

And Clark isn't nearly as good and wonderful as people claim. Gosh. Too busy putting him on that pedastel to notice the high horse he rode in on. I mean seriously -- getting mad at Chloe for keeping Lana's secrets? What? How can he not see the hypocrisy in that?

He might be an alien, but that doesn't mean he isn't human. I think that the writers could have read some of Ursula K. Leguin.

Rant out.

mutant, books, quotes

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