We'll git there in the end

Sep 28, 2007 12:14

Today I overslept and didn't have enough time to put in my daily contact lenses (it took long enough taking the magical ones out) so I just thought, fuck it, and went into uni with no glasses and no contacts. And I can see! I sat at the back during grammar lesson, and I could see what was on the board. The left eye is still a bit halo-ey but the right eye is almost perfect now. I think this is the first time in 7 years that I've been out without any glasses or anything.

Yesterday I went to Lydia's and learnt through her mistakes how to make popcorn. When I told my flatmates about it afterwards the French one told me how once she'd tried to make popcorn using canned sweetcorn, and how she'd sat by the stove all hopefully waiting for it to pop.

When I got back to Leeds we went to the comedy club, and it was well good and might turn into a weekly thing for us. It was the perfect night out - instead of getting all hyped up then standing around bored because the music's too loud to talk, we got some drinks, were entertained for two hours and then the bar opened again afterwards. And it only cost a fiver.

At 1pm I'll meet up with my perfect language partner (a Taiwanese girl who studies Italian). We'll talk in Italian for the 1st hour then Chinese for the second, but I think the Italian part will be more difficult cause I'm still crap at it.

FD isn't working, but IT'S FRIDAY so hopefully I'll be doing something fun tonight. I haven't been out clubbing since I got here, although I've gone off massive nights out a bit because they're usually massive anticlimaxes.
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