Everyone but
sowell ignore this post. This is feedback for your new
fic. For some reason your lj doesn't like me tonight and wouldn't let me post so here's what I typed on the second go:
DAMN IT. I'd written you up a long feedback and LJ ate it. I can't remember what I wrote...um. Oh yeah, this is my first Moonlight fic and it'll probably be the last if you don't feel tempted to dabble any more. Though if you dabbled in the way of Coraline and Josef I'd probably be all over that. Heh. It was really great, I think you did wonderfully with Josef's voice and I didn't find him like Logan at all. (Though equally hot)
And Josef never made an effort to do things the right way if there was an easier way available.
I thought this line was a perfection summation of Josef's character. For someone with all the time in the world, he was impatiently brutal when dealing with threats. I always got the impression that he'd seen too much to pussyfoot around and that hesitation could be more lethal to one's own wellbeing than launching an assault. But on top of that he has morals as long as you don't cros shim. I think you showed great understanding of where Josef was meant to come from, even if we didn't see much proof of this core in action.
I'm really sorry if I miss something that I loved since I'm struggling to remember...The Coraline section. I LOVED that moment when she denied him the meal he'd been waiting to share with her for hours. OWNAGE. This is why I'd heat this ship if it had ever happened. I feel like Coraline could get a little darker with Josef than Mick and I loved that side of her. But I loved your take on Josef's reaction to her death, even if it's something I'd never would have done myself. It was very interesting and hard to read - that one made me think.
I thought the scene with Beth and Josef was a perfect reflection of the underlying sexual tension that seemed to be in all their scenes. Not that they actually wanted each other, but that zing that was there as if sex between these characters would be very hot. Then again, JD has that with lampshades, I hear. I found their energy together far more sexual than Mick/Beth (but then I think Mick and Beth was meant to be a softer, more loving than lustful energy). I think Beth's complete obliviousness to just how much more danger she was in with Josef than Mick was perfectly in character too - that stubborn, blank determination was described really well.
Beth's death? Didn't find it sad but that's not your fault, I just didn't feel much for her. I just love this dynamic between them and Mick creating a stake to stab Josef? Yeah, he better have been feeling suicidal. It's the relationship between the boys that I found had the most potential to be special on this show and it's a pity we had so little of it. I think these little snippets are a perfect glimpse into their world and thanks for writing it, hun.