Bush team diminishes all of us

Apr 14, 2004 22:07

" We grieve for our brave soldiers who have been killed or mutilated in Irag and we feel sorrow for those innocent Iraqis caught in the crossfire, but our leaders in Washington inspire other emotions.

Anger, because evidence mounts that this bloddy, costly war was not only unnecessary but was sought by the administration, early on, for reasons yet to be explained.

Fear, because the Iraq invasion is stimulating world terrorism instead of diminishing it.

Disgust, because this administration can never admit a mistake but smears its critics ruthlessly, and worst of all, distances itself from the dead and wounded coming home.

Frustration, because children go hungry, the air is polluted, public services are curtailed, and millions go without health insurance while our 'compassionate conservative' president reserves his compassion for the wealthy and for friendly industries.

In the past, this great and good country has had leaders who brought out the best in us. In its narrowness of vision and smallness of spirit, however, this administration diminishes us all. And that may be the greatest tragedy of all."
- letter to the editor, by Jim Bissland, Bowling Green
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