My picks. and why. : 1. Love, love, love the contrast. 3. What a mischevious smirk. It's intriging, actually. 5. Digging the blurred motion 7. He looks so sad! But the background is kind of distracting. 8. Two words: John Kerry!! 10. The blurred background, and focused foreground is awesome. 11. I'm not too sure what I think about this one. I like how you used framing, but I think the blurriness is too much? I dunno. 12. Odd... Yep, just different.
well thank you! i really liked reading those comments. yeah #11 i wasnt too sure whether or not i liked it. i agree about the blurriness, it is kind of confusing.
Comments 7
1. Love, love, love the contrast.
3. What a mischevious smirk. It's intriging, actually.
5. Digging the blurred motion
7. He looks so sad! But the background is kind of distracting.
8. Two words: John Kerry!!
10. The blurred background, and focused foreground is awesome.
11. I'm not too sure what I think about this one. I like how you used framing, but I think the blurriness is too much? I dunno.
12. Odd... Yep, just different.
yeah #11 i wasnt too sure whether or not i liked it. i agree about the blurriness, it is kind of confusing.
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what kind of camera do you use?
i have a vivitar, i dont know what kind it is though, its old. 70's or 80's
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