20 Doctor Who icons for challenge 10 at
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01. General theme - trying to sum up the Doctor in one icon. 02.
Image - I love this moment, when Rose pretty much accepts that it is worth being mauled by the Gelth to travel with the Doctor. 03.
Music - I don't ship these two as such but this was such a lovely moment. A change of pace for Rose while she proved she could think on her feet and Capt. Jack being seductive as ever. 04.
Icon by
ohbambi - Jack as the self-sacrificial heroic man of action etc. 05. 'Devoid' - It is clichéd but the Daleks as devoid of emotion, thus solitary and destructive.
06.General theme - A huge moment for the TARDIS and Rose as they both do whatever they can to help the Doctor. 07. Texture by
yunhe - The point of the whole show 08. 'Reunion' - Sarah Jane and K-9! 09. 'Angst' - I don't really need to say anything about this one. I was tearing up just going through the screen caps! 10. 'Previously' - Get it? Because of the way they kill? No? Anyway, I was trying to get across their 'technique' as such. I don't really know how to animate icons but I couldn't think of a better way to portray how terrifying I find them the 'epitome' of their nature.
11. General theme - The Master/Doctor dynamic in which the Master seeks out power and the Doctor is determined to help him no matter what. 12.
Music - Martha finds her strength from the Doctor and has to become a soldier to save the world: "If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free...Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, sounds so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters" 13. 'Heart' - I know Donna provided a lot of comic relief but she also had the most amazing sense of empathy and that was exactly why the Doctor needed her around as his own moral compass was going a bit awry at this point. 14. 'Engulf' - Did I say a BIT awry? I meant he succumbed totally to his own power in the end, engulfed by it as it were. 15. 'Aftermath' - So it all had to come to an end for Ten but it's okay because after all that crying we got fish fingers & custard and Eleven. I loved how this whole scene was basically saying: 'okay, so here is what has changed'.
Video - Amy waiting...through seasons. Too obvious? What seems like an eternity for her but is a moment for the Doctor. 17. General theme - I thought this summed River to some extent. Amazing hair? Check. Catchphrase? Check. Smiling like she knows something you don't? CHECK. 18. 'Passage' - Rory just has to go through so much in the pursuit of what he loves. It makes me think of how Ten kept talking about the 'slow path' and that is what Rory actually had to sit through. He had already been waiting but this is when his slow, plodding journey really started. 19. 'Death' - What a way to start a series, gosh. 20. 'Encompass' - All three the same but completely different.