(no subject)

Jun 11, 2008 13:53

a different, smaller wild turtle has appeared with the warm weather. 7 am hungover and heated, my family races to the backyard to catch a peak. of course, i was the only one hungover- i've been kick starting summer for a week now, but the rest've all got their days to finish up on. I've been paying far too much attention to how this and that and little adjustments make me feel. where is my energy best spent? hell yeah late night bike rides. hell yeah screaming out of sun rooves in attempt to make older men uncomfortable :"YOU'RE TRYING SO HARD NOT TO LOOK AT US". hell yeah to bonding over terrible brittney songs over huge intersections that find themselves nearly empty after dark. traditional concepts have been weirding me out; concerts, namely. of course, tv watching too. focusing on the "island" part of long island.lazy days and perpetual highs.
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