Finished 1st Draft

Apr 20, 2018 13:20

I finished the first rough draft of my feature film script yesterday. It will be workshopped next Thursday. In the interim week I intend to finish an edit on a quickie short film my girlfriend and I shot together a couple weekends ago. Then I need to write out a short script she and I outlined awhile back, and we'll be moving forward with all that.

You know who really inspires me the most on this stuff? Warren Ellis. He writes these newsletters called Orbital Operations where weekly he basically dumps out his stress about juggling thousands of projects, and then soberly talks about the limitations of futurism and futurist minded techspeak and recommends a few books.

I learned after working with a mentor who was capable of sitting still for 16 hours straight to work on his creative projects that I am not capable of that without burnout within a couple of weeks. I have also learned from experience that if I juggle too many projects, none of them get completed. So I'm not trying to just jump in to jump in, but I AM trying to make up for some lost time.

So my goal is to methodical about finishing projects before jumping into the next one. There's two parts to that sentence, and the methodical preceeds the jumping to the next one. It's not just about balancing multiple projects but finishing single ones.

My experience in the industry is enough to know that the two things that matter more than anything else is showing up on time and finishing the project. You have to finish. And it's honestly been years since I've truly finished my own stuff, most of the time tinkering around while finishing other people's work. So even as I've kept productive for my own goals, I haven't left myself objects to show for it.

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