Sep 21, 2005 14:49

OFFICIAL production work.

No planning. No crazy directors who don't know what they're getting into. None of my own personal projects. We're talking a real short with real cameras and real actors and a real crew, doing it because they are going to get it done. I'm going to be a production assistant on set to the Director of Photography. Most excellent, as this is my first real production work that I can then tell other people, "Hey, look what I did!" (even if I'm not actually doing anything much more than, you know, being a production assistant.) But still, the idea is that then I can go for another PA position and be all, "Yeah, I was a PA for this other thing..." so I have experience, and then so on, until hell, someday I might be able to get paid for helping out a movie or something.

I get a copy of the movie and catering as payment, as per more than I expected considering the copy of the movie.

Friday and Saturday night, 7 PM to 7 AM. Most awesome.

And I'm getting all better and stuff with my sickness, so I don't think I have to worry about coughing or anything during the shoot (which, if I was coughing as much as I was yesterday, I would have had to decline the position because I don't even want to imagine how bad that situation could be).

So yeah. With all of my helping here and there minorly with various outside productions, now I get to help on one directly, and thus I do believe I can begin moving up the ranks mayhap.

Edit: I just got a call from the producer. They wanted to know if it'd be okay if I was a second assistant director instead of a production assistant. I made clear what my role was going to be and then said yes. This whole ascention thing works fast!



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