Sep 13, 2005 17:55
I went vegetarian today. Sans meat, that is.
I think I almost died.
Somewhere between the Bolton Deli and the line for teriyaki chicken. It's the first day, so I guess that's expected.
I woke up this morning feeling especially daring, thinking maybe I'd try tackling veganism. That would have been overkill to the nth power. I've since gained profound respect for those with enough self-control to make this into a lifestyle.
The absurdity of railing against the horrors of factory farming while directly benefitting from its practice is pretty self-evident. Lip service just doesn't sit well with me. Kinda like shedding a tear for child laborers in Vietnam before heading out to pick up a pair of Nikes.
Day One has been a personal victory for me. I'm really hoping I can stick to this.