Earth changes and Armageddon?

Oct 27, 2001 15:59

A lot of people lately have noted the fact that alongside the horrifying events of 9-11-01, apparently sharks have started their own war on bathers, earthquakes are happening in record numbers, and similar things all seem to indicate that Nature has declared her own war on us. Does all this indicate Armageddon is about to start?

Well, first of all, let's get the idea of Armageddon as a mystical event out of the way. People being people, and our modern military technology being what it is, of course someday we're going to have one hell of a war with the potential to wipe out most or all the life of this world. If we don't get the hell of this rock and start life under "a new heaven" on a "new earth," that could be the end of it for us all. But that isn't the same thing as a mystical Apocalypse with Michael and all the other good angels arrayed in battle against the bad guys, and the remnant of 144,000 saved alive on Earth greeting the other saved as the latter emerge from their tombs, etc. etc. I am by no means this second scenario as such is ever going to happen, though the risk of an all-out war that could end all life on Earth and would certainly put in ding in our own species' chances of survival is always with us.

Second, as to Nature making war on us, let's look at a few facts. The actual number of shark-attacks that have occurred this year isn't any greater than those in previous years, not only on a per-capita basis, but on the basis of absolute numbers. News reports have made it seem like more due to an exaggerated!!!! style of reporting of the sort that news media often use in the off-season, when interesting news is at a premium -- especially the tabloids, which just LOVE to generate panics among the intellectually challenged with sensationalist slants on such incidents.

As for earthquakes, there have been more than normal lately, but exactly how much more is open to question, because not all quakes are reported, most being so mild that nobody gives a damn, or because they happen in remote areas unserviced by scientific observers or news-stations. Even so, it is possible that the plate tectonics of our world are beginning to heat up again. From the geological evidence, this has happened numerous times over the 5 billion year-long history of our world, for reasons even now not well understood. Maybe it's happening again. If so, such activity will create more and more quakes, vulcanological activity, and similar phenomena. All such phenomena involve magma -- molten rock and metal under enormous pressures -- moving below the crust of the ground. Molten rock contains a lot of free-floating electrons, and when it moves it thus generates a changing electromagnetic field. All living organisms, including us, are highly sensitive to even small changes in any such fields with which we have contact or in which we live, such as that of the sun.* So if there is an increase in the activity of magma in a certain region, all living beings in that area, including human beings, will sense it on some level, and their subsequent behavior will show that.

*The sun's electromagnetic field extends clear out beyond our world's solar orbit, and for all life's history on Earth organisms have had to live within and adapt to that field and any changes in it. Since all living organisms contain in their bodies lots of continuously moving fluids containing free electrons, they thus have electrical currents, albeit small ones, in their bodies at all time, a natural and necessary part of their being. When an electrical current is placed in a changing electromagnetic field, changes are induced in that current. When that current is part of the metabolism and organ-functioning of a living being, changes in it create changes in its physical function -- and in the functioning of its nervous system, should it have one. It thus effects the mind of that organism in ways that are subtle but important, and, through that mind, likewise affects that organism's behavior. The astrologies of our various human cultures are thus not only not nonsense, but are in fact began, at least, as very scientific disciplines designed to attempt to understand and predict the behavior not only of the human members of those communities, but also that of the livestock and cultivated plants used by them as well as that of the wild animals in their environment. The ability to understand and predict such behavior is absolutely necessary to the survival of even great modern civilizations. Our ancestors were no fools -- if they had been, they wouldn't have survived long enough to produce descendants, and we wouldn't be here. They knew what they were doing when they came up with those disciplines, and they were thereby dealing with an objectively verifiable phenomenon: the effects which changes in the sun's electromagnetic field induced on it by continuous changes in the geometry of the solar system and those in the directions of the tugging and hauling of the planets on the fluid body of the sun [which is one gigantic ball of highly ionized gas replete with moving free electrons] have on living beings -- including us -- and their behavior, both as individuals and as populations.

For example, just before an earthquake, cats, dogs, cockroaches, and lots of other organisms in that area begin acting strangely, and the way they act is an excellent predictor of earthquakes. If there was increased magmatic activity all over the world, it would be indicated by bizarre behavior of all sorts of organisms, not only human beings and other members of Kingdom Animalia, but also certain plants, fungi, protoctists, even bacteria (even such "lowly" beasts do respond quite sharply to all sorts of stimuli of that sort).

If that is happening now, it is quite possible that both the sudden (on the scale of geological time-tables) murderously bizarre activities of jihadist fundamentalist sects we've seen recently and strange behavior of other types of Earthly life are due to it: We're all responding to a real phenomenon that is having strong effects on us, but aren't able to be fully conscious of those effects and consequently aren't able to grasp what is doing it to us. Because this is happening on an unconscious level, we have no real control over it, and it just gets weirder and weirder and weirder.

Anybody got any solid evidence to either support or refute this idea?

new age movement, apocalypse, precognition, prophecy, nature, revelations, gaia, doomsday

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