More on the numerology of history

Jun 06, 2004 19:38

In a message dated 6/6/2004 6:37:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Regarding that numerology piece - it brings to mind the item I cut and pasted, below.

Please understand that it does not reflect MY final opinion on numerology…still, it’s a laugh . . .

The original letter to which my correspondent refers:

Original Letter:

The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11

After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11

Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11

The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11

There's more.......

State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union
New York City - 11 Letters
Afghanistan - 11 Letters
The Pentagon - 11 Letters
Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted or orchestrating the attack on
the WTC in 1993)
Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11
Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11

Dave's response:

Oh my God! How worried should I be? There are 11 letters in the name "David Pawson!" I'm going into hiding NOW. See you in a few weeks.

Wait a sec ... I just realized "YOU CAN'T HIDE" also has 11 letters!

What am I gonna do? Help me!!! The terrorists are after me! ME!! I can't believe it!

Oh crap, there must be someplace on the planet Earth I could hide!

But no ..."PLANET EARTH" has 11 letters, too!

Maybe Nostradamus can help me. But dare I trust him? There are 11 letters in "NOSTRADAMUS."

I know, the Red Cross can help. No they can't... 11 letters in "THE RED CROSS," can't trust them.

I would rely on self defense, but "SELF DEFENSE" has 11 letters in it, too!

Can someone help?

Anyone? If so, send me email. No, DON'T! "SEND ME EMAIL" has 11 letters....

Will this never end? I'm going insane! "GOING INSANE???" Eleven letters!!

Nooooooooooo!!!!!! I guess I'll die alone, even though "I'LL DIE ALONE" has 11 letters.....

Oh my God, I just realized that America is doomed! Our Independence Day is July 4th ... 7/4 ... 7+4=11!


PS: "IT'S BULLSHIT" has 11 letters also. ;-)

My response:

Dear *----,

I saw that [piece about the numerology of 9-11) -- it started going around right after 9/11/2001. There were in fact an astounding number of such coincidences connected with 9-11. Not all of them had to do with "simple" numerology, such as adding up digits to get a final number and finding that the latter is identical to those for totals of other numbers connected with something. Several of the significant numbers connected with that date, repeated again and again, were those connected with what Aleister Crowley called the "Thelemic current," supposedly having to do with the inception of the Age of Aquarius on March 20, 1904, Cairo, Egypt, around 12:05 am (when he did his Cairo Working in the Great Pyramid, which led to his writing the Book of the Law on April 8-10, 1904). These numbers include 93, the number of the current of the New Age of Aquarius, associated with liberty ("current," as used here, means a long train of events set in motion by one or more Magickal Workings that manifest out in the form of those events; in this case, you might say that the "93 current" was manifest in the form of the entire 20th century, perhaps the most dreadful and awesome in all human history, containing everything from the downside -- the Bomb, Stalin's purges, Nazi Germany, etc. -- to Apollo 11, the Internet, the Web, the advent of the use of effective antibiotics, and all the rest of the 20th century's upside); 11, the number of Magick; and several others, all of which were reflected in the four airline flights involved as well as numerous other aspects of 9-11.

Does this mean there is something to numerology? I don't know. I just know that there were one hell of a lot of coincidences like that associated with 9-11, many of them having to do with complex Qaballistic and Thelemic concepts as well as simple repetitions of such numbers as 11. (By the way, the number 11 is associated with Tarot Trump 0, The Fool; the planet Uranus, which is also associated with Shakespeare, the Western Hemisphere and New World, native Americans, liberty, the American Revolutionary War and secession from Great Britain of the late 18th century, and related matters; and the Hebrew letter Aleph (ALPh, or Aleph-Lamed-Peh, whose associated numerical values are 1, 30, and 80, which add to 111); and, through Aleph, the number 1. It has other associations, as well.)

What, if anything, does it all mean? I think that, as Carl Jung and numerous others, including ancient Taoistic and Pythagorean philosophers, have said, it means the underpinnings of our universe are a seamless web that is part space-time and part spirit, and that everything that exists is connected to everything else that ever has been, is now, or ever will be, world without end. It means what Rilke meant in his poem about God's hands catching all of us at the end of our lives, that no one lives and dies totally cut off from all others, either spiritually or physically. It means that John Muir was right when he said, "Everything is connected to everything else." It means not only that dreams can come true, but that often they do; that most of the time there are happy endings; that there is a Providence that makes everything worth it; that faith and devotion aren't pointless exercises in masochism, but are instead routes to heaven, however long it takes to get there. It means that no life is lived in a vacuum, that no good work or learning from a given life is wasted, but rather is somehow passed on to the future of life, conserving the best in us in the soul of what is to come.

Beyond that, I don't know. I'm just one more pilgrim going up life's road with everyone else, Carl, and if I'm honest, I can't lay claim to more than that, not for sure. But these things -- Qaballah, alchemy, Magick, Yoga, tai chi, Zen Buddhism and all their fascinating kin -- are very much worth studying and practicing, because in them are countless roads to God.

numerology, history, united 93, mystery, 9/11, humor, qaballah

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