If you thinking I'm joking, have I got a bridge for YOU!

May 27, 2004 17:48

Why I do not support Democrats and liberalism, and never will:

In a message dated 5/27/2004 4:00:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, Polaris93 writes to xxx@yyy.com:

Dear --

Thought you might find the following of interest. I just sent it to a longtime correspondent and friend who, however, is a liberal and a Democrat, and constantly makes these sly little digs about my political choices -- he can't defend his own choices in an upright, honest manner, but instead uses ad hominem, innuendo, circular reasoning, and other dishonest tricks for attacking my position. I'm sure you won't approve of my choices, either, but I think you may like the reasons I give Mr. Burt, here, for voting for and supporting Democrats and liberalism. -- Yael Dragwyla

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Why I don't vote Democrat and don't support liberals and liberalism
Date: 5/27/2004 3:57:28 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Polaris93
To: yyy@xxx.com

Dear --

You keep making sly digs at my political stance. I don't have a stance. I have opportunities to make choices, and I do vote the man rather than the party. You do deserve some sort of explanation for why now, with very few exceptions, I can't stand the Democratic party and candidates, and much prefer the Republican ones. All right, here goes.

1) Do you remember, a couple of years ago, a Democrat Congressman and his family died in an airplane crash, and the Democrats who were invited to it, such as Al Gore, turned the man's funeral into a political 3-ring circus, using it as an opportunity to campaign for votes? Even the deceased's own son seemed more than happy to use his own father's funeral that way. That isn't how civilized people behave. They never have and they never way. I prefer civilization over barbarism, which that was. I also prefer sanity over lunacy, which, as that incident firmly demonstrated, seems to be the general mindset of Democrats these days.

2) Back in 1993, right after Waco, I ran into a local New Ager I knew here in Seattle who, like just about every New Ager I've ever met, said (a) he knew damned good and well that Bill Clinton gave the orders to cremate the Branch Davidians alive, and (b) he thought it was a damned good thing, that all the Branch Davidians, including any children there, deserved to die that way. Why? Because Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party were the next best things to God as far as he was concerned. This, mind you, from one of those pendulum-scrying, crystal-wearing, sweetness and light New Age liberals who are so much more compassionate than their inferiors, i.e., people who don't vote for Democrats and don't call themselves liberals.

3) I'm a South Park conservative. South Park conservatives, like most other conservatives, find Democrats, their platforms, and their compulsive, repetitive lying about matters concerning all Americans to be infuriating. Among other things, such obvious, blatant lies are an insult to one's intelligence, because it implies the liar assumes that he'll never get caught because the public is too stupid to see through the lies. South Park conservatives aren't part of the religious right. Most of us can't stand what Senator Joseph McCarthy in the name of "anticommunism," ensuring that a huge proportion the American public would in the future embrace leftist causes out of sheer disgust and need for self-respect, for which I can't blame them. I loathe personality cults, and that is one I really hate, because I was in elementary school back then and I saw teachers and a lot of other adults in the community ruined for no good reason as those who called themselves Republicans used that opportunity to get payback for old grudges against others. Anticommunism is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned; McCarthyism wasn't and never will be. I have no problem separating the two in my mind; anticommunism is a good thing, but McCarthyites today are hateful, like they always were.

4) If my adoptive parents and their relatives and friends, all of them who loudly proclaimed affiliation with the Republican Party and only voted for Republicans, were still alive today and learned I was voting Republicans and putting down liberalism, leftism, and the Democrats, they would collectively crap their pants and switch to the Democratic ticket and forever, from then on, and vote for and support only Democrats. I find that most amusing.

5) Bill and Hillary Clinton are monsters. The Democrats now still support them, never speak out publicly against them, thereby becoming guilty of aiding and abetting. The Ninth Circle of Hell is going to be wall-to-wall Democrats for that.

6) I detest religious hypocrisy. Numerous Democrats claim to be Roman Catholic, but they also support all the things their church detests. Therefore they shouldn't refer to themselves as Roman Catholics or devout anything else's -- they do so just to pick up more votes. That's religious fraud, and therefore evil.

7) The Democrats prefer spin and innuendo to honest campaigning. More than that, they seem to believe that if you spin anything long enough, no matter how bad it is, no matter how wrong it is, that makes it right. That's sociopathology. I won't vote those who cultivate it within themselves and others.

8) Looking back over the years, overall it has been individual liberals rather than individual conservatives, individual Democrats rather than individual Republicans, from whom I have received the worst treatment. Republicans and conservatives merely ignore me. Democrats/liberals have done everything from conning me out of substantial sums of money and giving me misinformation concerning issues vital to my survival as a form of nasty practical joke to trying to murder me. No, thank you.

9) I love this country. Democrats and liberals hate this country. This country is just about the only thing I really have to call my own, though not because I own it, which of course I don't. I am an American. That is the only real identity I was ever able to claim, officially and otherwise. I was permitted nothing else as a child and adolescent, and it's all I have now. If not an American, then I am nothing. So the liberals and Democrats who want to take it away from me therefore want to destroy the only thing I can call my own, my very identity.

10) Waco again. Bill Clinton did give the orders to burn the Branch Davidians alive. His wife may well have instigated him to do so. Then they stuck Janet Reno with the butcher's bill for it. I loathe Janet Reno -- remember the little Cuban boy? -- but making her take the blame for what happened there when in fact it was somebody else's crime is really, really shitty.

11) I loathe being pigeonholed, and I resent being thought to be so one-dimensional and simple that people think I should be stuck in a simplistic category. I'm a Jew, and I'm not a fundamentalist, and I love South Park. Therefore -- I vote Republican. I find that amusing.

12) Remember Hillary's universal health-insurance bill? There was this little rider in it that had to do with setting up a national organ bank. Every American would contribute to it upon his or her death. But only the wealthy could have afforded to withdraw organs from it for transplants, because that services was not to be low-cost to let the poor in on it. I do not find that amusing. Au contraire.

13) Liberals and Democrats assume that because I am poor I must also be stupid, unwilling to defend my freedom, and not allowed, ever, to own effective means of self-protection. They assume that I prefer dependency over liberty. Another insult to my intelligence Conservatives and Republicans, whatever flaws the have, and many of them have many and serious flaws, don't assume anything of the kind, and don't insult my intelligence.

14) I happen to like Dubya, his family, and most of those working in his administration. I'd love to have them as neighbors. I would not like to have many liberals and Democrats as neighbors, because such people tend strongly to treat me as if I were a) dirt, b) stupid, c) the most despicable thing on earth because I have a high IQ and read a lot as well as being a writer, which they believe poor, aging people like me have no right to do, and d) a former sex-object who, now that the one valuable thing about her is gone, ought to be wadded up and thrown away, preferably at the hands of some prowling sociopath.

15) Democrats and liberals assume that I value my mere physical survival above my principles. Yeah, right. I know all too well how, down the centuries, countless people have endured the grisliest tortures and ugly deaths rather than abandon their principles. I have no right or wish to do any less. Democrats and liberals tell me that the Republicans and conservatives will make it impossible for me to remain on SSI and Medicaid, without which I can't survive, by destroying both programs, phasing them both out. Honey, let's be honest about that one: since 9-11, which seriously dinged our economy for reasons that have nothing to do with the current Bush administration, and because of wasteful spending with nothing to cancel out the effects of such spending, we've been rapidly approaching the point at which those programs will have to be abandoned for good just to keep this country afloat, regardless of who and what administration are in office at the time that happens. The money and the resources to sustain them are running out, and that has been going on since the 1970s. The Democrats spend faster than the Republicans; voting Republicans will delay my death by starvation at least a little longer than will voting for Democrats, because Republicans tend to be good business people.

16) Four presidents -- Eisenhower, Johnson, JFK, and Nixon finally got us to the Moon, and did what they could to support a real space program. In fact, because Johnson was bullish on space, his administration actually produced a budget surplus, and the economy boomed then and for a while afterward because of the technological spinoffs and the jobs generated by that program. Since then, nada except two shuttles blown to hell and all their crews dying with them before reaching safety on the ground.

17) On the day that the Democrats again run somebody with the credentials, the intelligence, and the sheer guts that FDR, Truman, JFK, and RFK had, maybe I'll vote for a Democrat again. In the meantime, I really have no intention for voting for anyone who, like most Democrats now, is far more interested in promoting himself than anything else.

18) Which leads to something I saw during the week after 9-11, when Dubya went to New York City to the memorial held there for our 3,000 dead who perished in those attacks. I never saw the Clintons do anything but grandstand, always trying to get the public to show them how much the public loves them, to get ego-strokes by getting the public to show the Clintons how great the public thinks the Clintons are. Dubya got up there and evoked from the public the greatness that had so long lain dormant in so many of us, so we could show the world how great Americans in general are. Dubya's concern wasn't for himself alone -- it was for this country, and for all Americans and their posterity, and it showed. That's what a true king, in both Crowley's and the dictionary sense, does in times of crisis and emergency: evokes his people's greatness so that they are thereby enabled to do what must be done to get past it and survive. One man can never do it alone. Grandstanding doesn't do it at all. If a people aren't motivated to fight back as a people when they have been attacked, the attackers will soon be all over them like wolves on a wounded deer. It's what we all learned in elementary school about schoolyard bullies: if you don't go right back out there and clock the guy back, he'll own your ass forever. Dubya got us to go right back out there and block the bastard. We did.

19) For all their talk of "compassion," the liberals and Democrats think it's a real shame that we went into Afghanistan and thereby rooted out the Taliban, that we went into Iraq and rooted out Saddam Hussein and the Baathists, because that means that the Taliban and the Baathists and their ugly ilk can no longer torture and destroy millions of innocent people -- above all, that they can no longer treat women like shit. For some reason feminists in particular and liberals in general have that view of things. Expecting me to support such an attitude is yet another insult to my intelligence.

20) I could go on and on and on for hours, but I'm sure you get the drift, so I'll wrap this up. Anyway, that's why I will never, ever again vote the Democratic ticket, support Democrats in any way, or lend my support to one of those third parties who can, and often do, swing elections one way and another just by being there, until the day they clean it up and start acting like mature adults who aren't traitors to their country rather than senile delinquents whose morality is that of the local playground bully, whose endless bleats of "Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya!" at Republicans and conservatives for any and no reason just don't cut it as informed, productive political debate.

As for whether what I said about my own personal experiences with Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, is the truth, yes it is. I can't prove it, because nobody wants to listen and nobody has the time to look at the evidence, but yeah, it is. Yes, I know, the Republicans and conservatives don't give a damn about me and never will. But you know something? The same is true of the Democrats and the liberals. So my choice of who to vote for and support has nothing to do with my personal needs or even survival. It comes down to this: I much prefer this civilization to what Jihadistan would like to turn it into -- or the charred rubble that would be all that was left if they get their wish and provoke all-out thermonuclear war. On the other hand, I don't hate Muslims qua Muslims; in fact, just as there are numerous Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Tibetan Buddhists, Taoists, pagans, outright heathens, and people of other religions I truly admire and like, the same is true of Muslims in general. Clearly, though Jihadistan refers to itself as "the true Islam," they can't be -- why else would some Jihadis have set off bombs in Mecca itself as an attempt to cow other Muslims to submit to their agenda? That's a no-no in anybody's religious rule books, including those of Muslims. Jihadistan is out to turn the whole world into a pile of charred bones if at all possible -- bones a high percentage of which would belong to Muslims. As I said, I'm not a religious-right conservative, but a South Park conservative. Of course, because I'm also a Jew, I am what Pat Buchanan calls a "neo-conservative," his code-word for Jews. So what? Pat Buchanan can go to hell and stay there. So can a lot of other conservative commentators and pundits who, like Ann Coulter, don't seem to understand the difference between wit and wisdom, that between acid-on-the-wounds sarcasm/making-fun-of-cardboard-paper-tigers-and-real-humor, or that between personality cults and mature political stances.

Above all, think of this: I have absolutely nothing to gain personally by voting for members of either major party in this country, because I'm a total unknown, regarded as worthless by just about everyone, and have no future at all, none whatsoever. The only thing I have to gain from supporting anyone in a political sense has to do with my Greater Self and its survival, that is, the community I am part of, which is all that can carry my spirit and the products of my mind forward when I die, the source of whatever posterity is left to me when all is said and done. My ego and body aren't going to benefit no matter what I do, so I vote for my posterity and its well-being and survival. That isn't going to change. I want the stars -- for all America's children, and all the world's children, which won't happen in my lifetime. That, along with the functional survival of the US Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, and that alone is my top priority, and determines my political choices for the reasons given above.

I have been systematically backed into a corner which, as a mortal, I can't leave before I die. I have no one and nothing left for me personally, no one who will truly care when I die, no one who gives a shit what I care about. Nada. That's been true all my life, and I have always known it is true. I have nothing to look forward to personally -- but there are the stars, and there is real liberty. So I have nothing to lose by voting for those who support those two things, getting to the stars, and promoting liberty.

Now, if you hate me for that -- I won't be surprised. That would be sorrowful, but I can't do squat about it.

Take care, and have a nice day.

republicans, south park conservatives, liberals, dubya, religions, conservatives, democrats, 9/11, stupid human tricks, libertarians, bigotry, politics

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