A few years ago,
MAD Magazine put forth an issue on the cover of which was Alfred E. Neuman carrying a sign saying "We love^d Obama" -- i.e., they had loved Obama, but no longer. This was right after the healthcare bill passed, something they really didn't like. At that time, clearly, they no longer were happy with Obama and his administration.
Yesterday I was in Rite Aid, and happened to wander by their magazine rack. In it was one of MAD's special issues, concentraating one one thing or another, not their regular issue. It had to do with the "stupidest things that have happened over the last umpteen years." I flipped through it, wondering if I should buy it. But what I found was a whole lot of Bush-bashing and nothing about Obama, whose shenanigans eminently deserved to be in that issue. shown for what they are.
What happened? What changed the minds of the staff of MAD? Why all the Bush-bashing, with nothing about the truly stupid things that Obama and his administration have pulled? Did Eric Holder and his lackeys tell them in no uncertain terms that they had to back the regime or else? Somebody seems to have leaned on somebody. What's happened to MAD?